
succeed vt.繼…之后,繼續;接著…發生;〔詩〕使成功。vi.1...


His brother succeeded in examination of nanyang university . 他的兄弟考取了南洋大學。

His work is sure to succeed . 他的工作必定獲得成功。

She succeeded in fulfiling herself as an actress .. 她作為演員充分發揮了自己的才能。

You succeed even though you had two strikes against you . 你盡管在逆境中還是成功了。

As long as you succeed they are yours entirely . 只要你勝利了,他們就對你五體投地。

Everybody is desirous to succeed . 每人都想獲得成功。

As dawn succeeded darkness, mopping up continued . 黎明時候,搜索工作還在繼續進行。

He succeeded by dint of hard work . 他靠苦干獲得成功。

If he had tried , he would have succeeded . 如果他當初作過嘗試,他本來是會成功的。

He is too choosy to succeed . 太過挑剔不會成就大事業。

One succeeds where another fails . 一個成功,一個失敗。

He did not succeed in committing suicide . 他自殺未遂。

I have no doubt that you will succeed . 我肯定你能成功。

Finally he succeeded in his experiment . 他終于試驗成功。

We work hard that we may succeed . 我們為想成功拼命工作。

It is certain that we shall succeed . 我們是一定會成功的。

I never succeeded in assimilating his explanations . 我向來無法理解他的解釋。

We will never stop until the experiment succeeds . 試驗不成功,我們決不罷手。

The silence was succeeded by the striking of a clock . 時鐘鳴響聲打破了寂靜。