
subvert vt.顛覆,推翻,破壞(國家等);攪亂(人心),敗壞(風...


It is something that makes you feel comfortable to watch , i was surprised to see how joe ma has totally subverted the usual play boy image of yu and turned him into an innocent and cute young man . nonetheless , one disappointment is that none of these sub - plots tend to work together as a whole . they function well in their respective moments , but when they are put together , they just don t seem to look very coherent or actually help the plot to advance smoothly 個別場面都拍出一定的吸引力,陳小春在蔡卓妍周麗淇余文樂甚至韓君婷等人之間周旋,演得尤其落力,但整體來說幾段支節始終制造不出連成一線的劇力,不少場面如余周大鬧日本歌壇教父的家或陳小春夜闖韓君婷香閏等都來得零碎,頂多只能博得觀眾一燦吧了。

By successfully molded in the image of the child , yu hua expressed the heart of childhood imprint , and also by the eyes of children thinking of the real world visual expression of feelings and real - life experience , thus completing the reality of suspicion and subvert the norms and normal life , while also allowing time it is a novel describing the feeling , of warmth and harmony cruel features 通過對兒童形象的成功塑造,余華表達了內心的童年印記,同時又借兒童的目光和思維表達了對現實世界的直觀感受和真實體驗,從而完成對現實規范和生命常態的懷疑和顛覆,同時又使小說在敘述時具有一種溫情和殘酷水乳交融的情感特征。

In addition to the provisions set forth in the preceding paragraph , general armistices normally contain a number of political and military stipulations concerning such matters as the evacuation of territory ; disposition of aircraft and shipping ; cooperation in the punishment of war crimes ; restitution of captured or looted property ; communications facilities and public utilities ; . civil administration ; displaced persons ; and the dissolution of organizations which may subvert public order 除前述條款外,為維持公共秩序,全盤休戰協議通常包括一系列與戰區撤退、飛機與船艦之處置、對戰犯的懲罰、擄獲物或劫掠財產之賠償、通訊設備與公共設施、民政治理、離散人員重新安置,和解散意圖破壞公共秩序之組織等有關的政治與軍事條款。

Whoever incites others by spreading rumors or slanders or any other means to subvert the state power or overthrow the socialist system shall be sentenced to fixed - term imprisonment of not more than five years , criminal detention , public surveillance or deprivation of political rights ; and the ringleaders and the others who commit major crimes shall be sentenced to fixed - term imprisonment of not less than five years 以造謠、誹謗或者其他方式煽動顛覆國家政權、推翻社會主義制度的,處五年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剝奪政治權利;首要分子或者罪行重大的,處五年以上有期徒刑。

With the influence of brand - new notions of modern urban commerce upon city life , the new commercial forms such as supermarket and convenience shops have subverted the traditional commercial forms such as department stores , as well as traditional people ? lifestyle and service channels ; and urban commercial places utterly change people ' s way of consumption 隨著現代城市商業全新的理念介入城市生活,超市與便利店等新興業態顛覆了百貨商店等傳統業態和人們的生活方式與服務通道,城市商業場所也徹底改變了人們的消費模式。

Nevertheless , the immune system and viruses have substantially evolved together and viruses demonstrate many stratiges for subverting immune response . for enveloped virus , for instance hiv and eev can incorporate host rca into their envelope by budding through the plasma membrane , and these protect the virion against host complement attack 遺憾的是,一些有包膜的病毒也在長期的演化過程中獲得了補體系統的這種自我保護機制,即可以通過結合宿主膜補體調節蛋白來逃避補體的攻擊。

It is something that makes you feel comfortable to watch , i was surprised to see how joe ma has totally subverted the usual play boy image of yu and turned him into an innocent and cute young man . nonetheless , one disappointment is that none of these sub - plots tend to work together as a whole . they function well in their respective moments , but when they are put together , they just don t seem to look very coherent or actually help the plot to advance smoothly 個別場面都拍出一定的吸引力,陳小春在蔡卓妍、周麗淇、余文樂甚至韓君婷等人之間周旋,演得尤其落力,但整體來說幾段支節始終制造不出連成一線的劇力,不少場面如余周大鬧日本歌壇教父的家或陳小春夜闖韓君婷香閏等都來得零碎,頂多只能博得觀眾一燦吧了。

This article analyses narrative features and functions of a postmodernism novel , furthermore , inquires into its narrative theory in subverting constructivism and postconstructivim , this novel special function in the course of postmodern ism narrative theory 摘要以小說《寒冬夜行人》為例,分析后結構主義小說的敘事特點和功能,進而探討這部小說在顛覆結構主義敘事理論,建構后結構主義即后現代敘事理論的過程中所發揮的獨特作用。

Marx took a full understanding of it and later evolved it into the practical ontology , which shouldered the task of thoroughly subverting the traditional philosophy , especially the modern philosophy , and opened a brand - new era of philosophy 這一由費爾巴哈始創、而后又歷經馬克思充分消化和在此基礎上進一步改鑄并完成它的實際確立的本體論,不辱時代的使命,執行著對傳統哲學尤其是近代哲學的徹底顛覆,開創了一個嶄新的哲學時代。

Such a pooled mode , subverts the traditional architectural concepts and combines building housing , shopping , leisure and entertainment , health and other functions into an integrated property group , the residents living here feel immensely relaxed and comfortable and happy 這種集合性模式,顛覆傳統的建筑理念,構建居住、購物、休閑、娛樂、養生等多種功能于一體的綜合物業群,讓生活在這里的居民感到無比的輕松、舒適和快樂。

Abstract : there is a blind zone in the history writing of m odern chinese literature . that is the absence of feminity . this absence , caused by many factors , exists in two forms : the obvious one and the hidden one . it is a cult ural injustice which should be subverted 文摘:女性缺席現象構成了中國現代文學史編撰中的一個盲區,這種缺席呈現為顯形缺席與隱形缺席兩種形態,其產生具有多方面原因,是應該受到顛覆的文化的不公正。

We want the united nations to be effective , and respectful , and successful . we want the resolutions of the world s most important multilateral body to be enforced . and right now those resolutions are being unilaterally subverted by the iraqi regime 因此我認為這是一次全盤、完整的檢討,可以把盟國再結合起來,把責任歸到伊拉克身上,把焦點集中在重要事項上,也就是大規模殺傷力武器,并且把他孤立,確實使他受到圍堵。

We want the resolutions of the world s most important multilateral body to be enforced . and right now those resolutions are being unilaterally subverted by the iraqi regime . our partnership of nations can meet the test before us , by making clear what we now expect of the iraqi regime 所以總統所說的是,我們會慢慢來,研擬出周延的政策,等時機成熟,再依照我們選擇的時機和速度,來決定如何和北韓政權交往最恰當。

The elegant costume of the lovers make them look like puppet as well . while kitano keeps reminding us these characters are based on puppet play , he also subverts the tradition of bunraku performance by minimizing the influence of dialogue in his film 另外,片中西島秀俊為了防止精神失常的菅野美穗四出闖禍而以紅繩把自己和她綁在一起,后來又穿起色彩鮮艷的和服,也令觀眾覺得他們很像木偶。

Key keyboard control around mobile , jumping on the keys , keys to subvert comes up with the first key r tianqiu , f bond with knee tianqiu , v key dianqiu feet , the space bar special action special action only when there is lots of special mark 鍵盤左右鍵控制移動,上鍵跳躍,下鍵將球顛起r鍵用頭顛球, f鍵用膝蓋顛球, v鍵用腳顛球,空格鍵特殊動作特殊動作只能在有記號的特殊地段使用。

And right now those resolutions are being unilaterally subverted by the iraqi regime . our partnership of nations can meet the test before us , by making clear what we now expect of the iraqi regime 錢控制在我們手中我們將繼續禁止大規模殺傷力武器伊拉克政權的主子先生,你不能再辯稱是我們傷害你們的人民了。

Memory leaks in java programs usually arise when we pay insufficient attention to object lifecycle or subvert the standard mechanisms for managing object lifecycle 當我們沒有對對象生命周期( lifecycle )引起足夠的重視或者破壞了管理對象生命周期的標準機制時, java程序中通常就會出現內存泄漏。

The administration argued that these regulations were no longer needed or that the original intent of the legislation had been subverted by the very groups that the legislation was intended to control 卡特政府認為這些法規已失去存在的必要,或者說立法的本來目的已被它要管制的對象攪亂了。

It is a travesty and an ironic tragedy that a civilization ( the west ) which is aesthetically inferior can so easily subvert a civilization ( china ) which is aesthetically superior 一種在美學上低等的文明(西方)可以輕易地推翻在美學上高等的文明(中國)實在是一種荒誕而具諷刺意味的悲劇。