
subtraction n.減去,扣除 (from); 【數學】減法。


And subtraction assignment )和減法賦值(

Structure whose value property contains the results of the subtraction 結構,它的“值”屬性包含該減法運算的結果。

Mum : have you learned addition , subtraction , multiplication , and division , lucy 媽媽:露西,你學了加減乘除了嗎?

Second , the foreground area is obtained by background subtraction , viz 其次,利用背景差分法提取運動人體輪廓。

Application of mr contrast - enhanced subtraction in tuberculous meningitis 電刺激在痛覺功能磁共振成像研究中的應用

Indicate the testing resistance and setting value of fail and subtraction 顯示測試電阻及fail與subtraction設定值

Pressing return a couple more times will show an addition and subtraction 再按兩次回車將顯示加法和減法表達式:

Adaptive multiple wave subtraction using independent component analysis 基于獨立分量分析的多次波自適應相減技術

Method for minimization of subtraction - not and division - not expansions of logic functions 非展開式的最小化方法

Digital subtraction ct angiography for detection of intracranial aneurysms 血管造影術在顱內動脈瘤中的臨床應用

The first two basic operations in mathematics are addition and subtraction 數學中兩個最基礎的運算是加和減。

Value of digital subtraction ct angiography in subarachnoid hemorrhage 血管成像在蛛網膜下腔出血診斷中的價值

You ' ve just learnt the subtraction 你們剛學了減法。

The subtraction assignment operator 減法賦值運算符。

Digital subtraction angiography , dsa 數字減影血管造影

The familiar complications of digital subtraction angiography and their management 術常見并發癥及防治對策

Can we use the tricks in subtractions ? let ' s look at example 3 師:在減法中能不能用簡便算法呢?試一試。

The subtraction operator the second 該減法運算符從第一個

Addition , subtraction , multiplication , and division are binary operations 加、減、乘、除都是二元運算。