
subtle adj.(-tler; -tlest)1.精細的;巧妙的...


Exposure of certain viruses to low ionic strength results in subtle changes in the protein coat . 某些病置于低離子強度的環境中,可引起蛋白質外殼的細微改變。

According to homer, maia bore mercury at the peep of day-a schemer subtle beyond all belier . 荷馬說,邁亞在黎明時分生下墨丘利,他是個計謀過人的智多星。

They were subtle portraits, sometimes catching exactly the dry new england idiom . 行文極其細致,有時能夠恰如其分地獲得新英格蘭那種淳樸的口語的真趣。

They were subtle portraits, sometimes catching exactly the dry new england idiom . 行文極其微妙,有時能夠恰如其分地獲得新英格蘭那種淳樸口語的真趣。

Within nations, such protection is illegal except in subtle and slight forms . 在各國內部,實行這樣的保護是非法的,除非采取巧妙而極不明顯的形式。

A series of emotions subtle and conflicting flowed behind the surface of his face . 在他那看不見的面皮后,卻有一連串相互矛盾的微妙情緒此起彼伏。

Next time he would be more subtle and he would surely try to surprise her somehow . 下次再來時,他一定會更加狡詐陰險,做出她竟想不到的事情。

General relativity has reintroduced a new and subtle “ether“ space-time itself . 廣義相對論再度引進一個新的,難以想象的“以太”--空時本身。

The children of less fortunate families have many subtle psychological disadvantages . 出身于境況較差的家庭的孩子有各種微妙的心理障礙。

This fact helps explain the subtle hazard associated with this nonirritating gas . 這一事實有助于解釋這種非刺激性氣體的不易察覺的危害。

The faint smile that just played across the lips was far too subtle to be really sweet . 她那撇著嘴的淡淡的微笑太不可捉摸,不見得真甜。

You have some subtle thought and it comes out like a piece of broken bottle . 你有一些絕妙的想法,可是一說出來卻象是破瓶子的一片碎片。

In this taut, subtle novel hawthorne solves almost all his problems . 在這部緊張而又難以捉摸的小說里,霍桑幾乎解決了他所有的問題。

A person 's psychology is a subtle thing. how true it is that words are echoes of the heart . 人的心理真是奇妙,言為心聲一點不假。

I'm convinced it was the product of a subtle magic, the alchemy of moonlight . 我相信這一切都是不可思議的魔力--月光煉金術的效果。

There is his marriage with margaret against the subtle opposition of her parents . 他不顧父母暗暗的反對,終于跟瑪格麗特結了婚。

There was a subtle reason why the hawaiians tolerated chinese marriage . 夏威夷人之所以允許同中國人通婚還有一個更深刻的原因。

His eye was so keen, his expression was so alert, and yet so subtle . 他的目光是那么銳利;表情是那么機敏,而又那么微妙。

It is difficult to discriminate the subtle difference between the two qualities . 區分這兩種質量的細微差別是不容易的。