
submenu n.【計算機】子菜單,子選項單。


Submenu . if any collapsible section is collapsed , then all sections are expanded 如果有任何可折疊部分是折疊的,則會展開所有部分。

To control the indentation of the static submenu items within a static menu , use the 若要控制靜態子菜單在靜態菜單中的縮進,請使用

The submenu item that you copied is inserted before the selected submenu item 所復制的子菜單項將被插入到選定的子菜單項之前。

Each submenu item displays one of eight colors using the self - drawing feature 每個子菜單項使用自我繪制功能顯示八種顏色之一。

Submenu item to the 子菜單項添加到

When you place your pointer over an item with an arrow , a submenu appears 當把指針放在帶箭頭的項目上時,即會出現子菜單。

To hide a submenu item 隱藏子菜單項

Property to control the amount of vertical space between the text of submenu items 屬性可控制子菜單項文本之間的垂直間隔。

Finds the items with the specified key , optionally searching the submenu items 查找具有指定鍵的項,還可以選擇搜索子菜單項

To copy a top - level menu and its submenu items to another top - level location 將頂級菜單及其子菜單項復制到另一個頂級位置

The remaining ones will be displayed on the submenu itself : the third one on 其余的那些將顯示在子菜單本身上面:第三個在

Menu renders data in a hierarchical dynamic menu that can include submenus 在可以包括子菜單的分層動態菜單中呈現數據。

Objects that control the style of the submenu items on a level basis 對象的集合,這些對象根據級別控制子菜單項的樣式。

Submenu . all collapsible sections within the current module are collapsed 當前模塊內所有可折疊的部分都會折疊起來。

When a parent menu item is disabled , all submenu items are not displayed 當禁用父菜單項時,所有子菜單項都不顯示。

The following code example creates a menu item with two submenu items 下面的代碼示例創建有兩個子菜單項的菜單項。

The menu that you copied is inserted before the selected submenu item 所復制的菜單將被插入到選定的子菜單項之前。

Adds a submenu style to the 將子菜單樣式添加到

Add a submenu item to the 將一個子菜單項添加到