
sublime adj.1.崇高的,莊嚴的,(地位)高貴的;雄偉的;卓越...


Is a sublime piece of pure and beautiful poetry theatre 《流蓮歡》 ,一個至純至美的詩意舞臺演出。

- who needs you guys ? - ahh , sublime -誰需要你? -呃,多崇高啊

And feel its total dark sublime , 同時感受天空一片漆黑的崇高,

Hydrargyrism caused by sublimed sulfur and ammoniated mercury lotion 升華硫氯化氨基汞洗劑致汞中毒

At the turn of the century , a sublime mission is underway . . 世紀交替崇高使命,互動于天上人間。

What sublime nonsense love is 愛情是多么純潔,多么天真無邪啊!

I remember a time when crime was sublime 我還記得從前靠打劫搶錢

On the sublime aesthetics of cao cao ' s poetry 論曹操詩歌的崇高美

The corporate culture sublimes the enterpriser spirit . mr (二) 、企業文化升華了企業家精神。

He has the power to turn the ordinary into the sublime 愛人會化平凡為高尚,使生活得到升華。

That , his position and attitude were , on the whole , sublime 此人的立場和態度確屬崇高偉大。

A comparison of the sublime theory between burke and immanuel kant 柏克與康德崇高論比較

The most sublime act is to set another before you 最崇高的行為就是把別人置于你的前面。

There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous 可敬與可笑之間只有一步之差。

A wedding cake is no mistake it must be quite sublime 婚禮蛋糕不能出錯,一定要非常華麗

Soaring as if with wings ; elevated or sublime 高遠的象有翅膀般飛翔的;高揚的或升華的

The books bring more sincere , more sublime union 書本帶來的是更真實、更崇高的組合。

Sublime pattern of frontier - fortress poems in tang dynasty 試論盛唐邊塞詩的崇高格調

I whom i left for the sublime karen kain i I不過我因為卡倫凱恩而拋棄了她i