
subjectivist adj.主觀主義的。n.主觀主義者。adj.-tic ,...


For some critics , these attempts , addressing the romantic construction of imagination , are so encumbered by the metaphysics of the subject embedded in romanticism that they are , ultimately , articulating a subjectivist , even solipsistic , poetics 對一些研究現代詩的批評學者而言,浪漫主義深植于主體形上論,而史蒂文斯重回浪漫主義所建構的想像力觀念,終究難以跳脫主體中心主義,甚至是唯我論的藩籬。

To keep on eating , to keep on sleeping , to keep on fighting heroically all the way to the yalu river without a stop - - these are subjectivist and formalist illusions , not realities of life 吃飯就一直吃下去,睡覺就一直睡下去,英勇戰斗就一直打到鴨綠江,這是主觀主義和形式主義的幻想,在實際生活里是不存在的。