
subcutaneous adj.皮下的。 subcutaneous inject...


That is a new student when be born , the head is oppressed in uterine mouth , cause local blood to get circularly block up , the result causes subcutaneous tissue oedema 那是新生兒出生時,頭部在子宮口受到壓迫,致使局部血液循環受到阻礙,結果引起皮下組織水腫。

Overall , 60 adolescents and 102 adults were assigned to the inhaled regimen and 60 adolescents and 105 adults were assigned to the subcutaneous regimen 最后, 60名青少年和102名成人被分到吸入用胰島素治療組,而60名青少年和105名成人被分到皮下用胰島素治療組。

Here we describe a 55 - year - old taiwanese female with multiple painful and swelling subcutaneous masses at the left thigh , abdomen and left arm for years 我們報告一例55歲女性病人,長期于左大腿,腹部和左上臂有疼痛及腫脹的皮下腫瘤,診斷為竇根氏病。

The patients were then randomized to premeal inhaled human insulin plus twice - daily nph or to continue on the subcutaneous regimen 隨后這些病人被隨機分到兩組,一組使用餐前吸入型人胰島素加一日兩次的中效胰島素治療,另一組繼續使用皮下胰島素注射。

Dercum ' s disease is a rare clinical condition characterized by the development of multiple painful subcutaneous lipomas selectively at postmenopausal women 摘要竇根氏病是一種相當罕見的疾病,此病之特徵為發生于停經后婦女的多發性疼痛皮下脂肪瘤。

Differential actions of intrathecal nociceptin on persistent spontaneous nociception , hyperalgesia and inflammation produced by subcutaneous bee venom injection in conscious rats 711術前鞘內注射對坐骨神經慢性擠壓傷大鼠神經病理性痛覺過敏的影響

Lymphedema is the accumulation of lymph in the interstitial spaces , principally in the subcutaneous fat , caused by a defect in the lymphatic system 淋巴水腫淋巴性腫脹是指在間隙積聚淋巴液,主要是在皮下脂肪,成因是淋巴系統發生故障。

Fourteen cases reoccurred , 5 eases were treated by chloedochoscopy per subcutaneous blind loop , 3 eases received reoperation and 4 eases anti - infection therapy 73例獲隨訪, 14例癥狀復發, 5例再入院行經皮下盲袢膽道鏡取石、擴張、引流。

We highlight the importance of alertness in paranasal or nasal subcutaneous tumor and we give a prudent preoperative radiologic examination to cope with this situation 本文強調術前完整放射性檢查及評估,將有助于減少術后并發癥。

Sometimes persons with rheumatoid arthritis ( ra ) have rheumatoid nodules form in subcutaneous locations at pressure points , such as the elbow shown here 有時類風濕關節炎( ra )病人在皮下壓痛點處有類風濕結節形成,如圖示的肘。

Local reactions followed all subcutaneous injections , the inestigators say , but there were no aderse reactions associated with intraenous injection 所有皮下注射伴隨有局部反應,研究者說,但未見任何靜脈注射相關的副作用。

Intra - muscular injection can lead to necrosis . intravenous or subcutaneous injection can cause hemolytic anemia , hematuria and proteinuria 不可作肌肉注射以免引起肌肉壞死。靜脈或皮下注射能引起溶血性貧血?血尿,蛋白尿。

Shortly after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedure , right - sided pneumothorax , subcutaneous , retroperitoneal , and mediastinal emphysema were noted 兩位病患者皆有乳突憩室,但都沒有發現明確的破孔。

After suturing the biceps , close the wound by suturing only the skin and subcutaneous tissue because the other structures fall into position 股二頭肌被縫合后,其他結構將自行回復原位,故僅需縫合皮下組織和皮膚。

Case 10 57 year old female presents to the physician ' s office complaining of a subcutaneous firm nodule at her left thigh . fna is performed 57歲女性,軟骨肉瘤病史。現主訴左大腿皮下一硬結節,行針吸活檢。

This results suggest that apoptosis is a significant but delayed vital reaction in the epidermis to subcutaneous bruising 研究結果建議“細胞凋零”是上皮細胞對皮下挫傷出現的一項特征性、遲發性生活反應。

A 55 - year - old man presented with a painless , brown subcutaneous tumor over medial side of his left lower leg for 5 years 摘要一位55歲男性病患者,五年前在其左下腿內側有一個褐色、不痛的皮下腫瘤。

Therapeutical effect of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion by insulin pump on type 2 diabetic patients poorly controlled with sulfonylurea failure 胰島素泵治療繼發性失效2型糖尿病臨床研究

When viewed by scanning electron microscopy , the appearance of these reconstructed adipose tissues was strikingly similar to subcutaneous fat 掃描電鏡顯示,構建的脂肪組織與皮下脂肪極為相似。