
styx n.【希臘神話】(圍繞地獄的)冥河。 black as ...


And at the dinner , where , with their womankind , were half a dozen of those that sat in high places , and where martin found himself quite the lion , judge blount , warmly seconded by judge hanwell , urged privately that martin should permit his name to be put up for the styx - the ultra - select club to which belonged , not the mere men of wealth , but the men of attainment 馬丁發現自己成了個大紅人。布朗特法官私下勸他允許把他的名字列入思提克司俱樂部,這建議得到漢威爾法官的熱烈支持。思提克司俱樂部是個非常挑剔的俱樂部,參加的人不但要廣有資財,而且要成就卓越。

Jove gives his promise , and confirms it with the irrevocable oath , attesting the river styx , terrible to the gods themselves 朱庇特應允了,還發誓絕不食言,且指定冥河斯提克斯? ?眾神聽了都要發抖的名字? ?做他的監誓人。

Holding onto achilles ' heel , thetis dipped her son in the river styx to make him invincible to weapons 她雙手緊抓著阿基里斯的腳跟,將兒子的身體浸泡在冥河之中,好讓他全身刀槍不入。

Even the slate grey stone ground is dry and cracked despite being in close proximity to the river styx 就連灰色石板路面都是干燥破裂的,同冥河很接近。

You ' re a styx newbie 沒聽過史戴思?

Lenny , i don ' t think that ' s styx 蘭尼,這不是史戴思吧

A poet , he doesn ' t take a woman to a styx concert 詩人哎,他不會帶女人去聽史戴思演唱會的

The river styx divides the level into two main regions 冥河將這一地域分割為兩大部分。

They ' re standing there on the far bank of the river styx 他們站在冥河的對岸

They ' re standing there on the far bank of river styx 他們就站在冥河的對岸。

No , they ' re kilroy , they ' re a tribute band to styx 這是奇澳里,專門翻唱史戴思的