
stylize vt.〔常用 p.p. 〕使(圖畫等)具有某種風格;使風...


At first , according to the stylized facts concluded by economic growth theory and modem macroeconomics , the paper examines the economic growth and macroeconomic fluctuation in the process of chinese market - oriented reform , of which the outcome shows that chinese economic growth and fluctuation basically conform to these stylized facts 本文首先按照經濟增長理論和現代宏觀經濟學所總結的有關經濟增長和經濟波動的特征事實,檢驗了中國市場化過程中的經濟增長和宏觀波動情況,結果發現,中國的經濟增長與波動也基本符合這些增長理論和宏觀經濟學賴以成立的現實基礎。

This paper elaborates the links between mathematics tactful knowledge and stylized teaching method , remains to pay attention to the application of the stylized method in mathematics teaching and holds that it would he beneficial for both the absorption and digestion of the mathematics tactful knowledge 摘要本文結合高職類大專數學課程的教學,闡述了數學教學中的程序化方法與策略性知識的聯系,認為在數學教學中注重數學程序化方法的講授,將有利于數學策略性知識的學習與掌握。

Some stylized facts about these models will be provided . these models will be tested by using the financial data from some public company of our country . there are five chapters in this dissertation and the remainder of this paper is structured as follows : the first chapter begins with this paper ’ s research background , aim and innovation . in the second section the paper introduces the process of credit risk management models development . the evolvement of credit risk management and four widely used models i . e . kmv 、 creditmetricstm 、 creditrisk + 、 creditportfolio view will be introduced in the third section 本文對現今國際上比較著名的,在信用風險管理實踐中應用最為廣泛的kmv , grcditmetrics , creditrisk + , creditportfolioview四個模型進行了比較分析,從原理概念,模型建立的理論基礎以及模型之間的相互關系,研究了各模型的特征,并運用國內公司的相關數據對kmv模型進行了實證分析,就我國當前信用發展狀況下,各度量模型適應性進行了比較,以期為我國信用風險模型的構建提供借鑒與參考。

The result is a highly stylized and exagerrated dimensions and deranged spatial relationships as seen in this film - an unnatural and dark place in which buildings pile on top of each other at strange angles , jagged chimneys , and characters with heavy make - up 除了布景大量扭曲外,人物亦然,不過當然不能把真人像橡皮一樣亂扭,所以人物的扭曲就從面部化裝及打扮上著手。如主要人物dr caligari及cesare等都有十分夸張恐怖的面部化裝,令人看得不寒而栗。

Under the playing system , two players manoeuvre the pieces such as the rook and the knight in a stylized mock military campaign in accordance with the players ' own judgement , understanding , and mastery of the rules and playing techniques for the game 在這種棋制的基礎上,下棋雙方根據自己對棋局形式的理解和對棋藝規律的掌握,在一塊棋盤上調動車馬,協調作戰,而所有象徵性的軍事戰斗就在這塊特定的戰場上發生。

Peking opera is a synthesis of stylized action , singing , dialogue and mime , acrobatic fighting and dancing to represent a story or depict different characters and their feelings of gladness , anger , sorrow , happiness , surprise , fear and sadness 京劇集合動作、歌唱、對話和獨白、雜技、舞蹈為一體,講述一個故事或刻畫不同人物并表現他們的情感,如開心、憤怒、傷心、喜悅、驚奇、害怕和悲痛。

In 1860s , zeng guofan started manufacturing industries , sent chinese students to study abroad and found new stylized schools etc . so that he made an important contribution to the early development of chinese modernization 在19世紀60年代開展的洋務運動中,曾國藩倡導派遣留學生、創辦近代機器工業、興辦新式學堂等等,從而為中國現代化的早期開展作出了貢獻。

This is not a “ modern art ” collection of commercially stylized pieces popular today . rather , we have sought to uncover “ true ” china using the language of ten creative non - commercial photographers 當某種“前衛”的姿態日益演變成一種庸俗的商業模式和程式化的樣式的時候,我們更希望能用一種質樸的、更加接近“攝影”本質的語言來揭示對象背后的真實。

His laughter is an equally regulated and artistically rhythmical affair , slightly artificial and stylized , and finishing off in an increasing generous volume , pleasantly softened by a white beard when there is one 他的笑也是一樣有規律的,藝術化的,有韻律的動作,稍微有點矯揉做作,而結束時的聲響則大一些,如果有白胡須的話,聲響卻會比較柔和一點。

In this dissertation , by combining china “ s stylized facts behind bop and related theories , a empirical model with theoretical base is established to explain the main reasons of china “ s trade surplus 本文在結合中國經濟發展過程中各項特征事實的基礎上,吸收以往理論研究成果并進行創新,對以上問題提出了解釋,并進一步提出了政策分析和建議。

The altar is richly decorated with colours and carved with a mixture of stylized plants such as plums , bamboo , peony , peach and lotus which represent different seasons to signify the flourishing growth of descendants 神刻有各類色彩斑斕的花卉植物,如梅花、青竹、牡丹、桃花和蓮花等,以代表四季生生不息,寓意梁族開枝散葉。

Shenzhen toprid industrial co . , ltd has its own invested - industry and capability of wider oem manufacturing across china , which has management standardized , scientific and stylized 公司詳細介紹:深圳兆瑞實業有限公司是一家經濟獨立,具有進出口權,享有一般納稅人資格;全面實行規范化,標準化,程序化和科學化管理的公司。

Shenzhen toprid industrial co . , ltd has its own invested - industry and capability of wider oem manufacturing across china , which has management standardized , scientific and stylized 企業詳細介紹深圳兆瑞實業有限公司是一家經濟獨立,具有進出口權,享有一般納稅人資格;全面實行規范化,標準化,程序化和科學化管理的公司。

The stylized production design and the cinematography of the film also set a high standard among the films of its kind . the songs by japanese composer r . hitori are memorable 影片特邀了在日本早已享有盛名的作曲家服部良一撰曲,配合著王天林的純熟導技費伯夷的精致美術,視聽效果美不勝收。

The practice , now illegal , required breaking the arch of the foot , then constricting it , which resulted in a stylized , mincing qait in the name of beauty 裹足現在在中國是違法的,它需要打斷人的足弓,然后壓縮之,使之成為固定的形狀,這一切都是以追求“美”的名義進行的。

Other image editing tasks such as stylized processing , local illumination enhancement and image sharpening , can be accomplished within the unified variational framework 此外,其他的圖像處理問題如風格化處理局部光照增強和圖像銳化,也可以在這個新的統一的框架下求解。

With most of the story set in new york city , murton stylized the familiar manhattan skyline and urban landscapes to make them appear uniquely tmnt 盡管故事的大部分背景都設置在紐約,莫頓還是將令人熟悉的曼哈頓和城市風景風格化,讓它們在《忍者神龜》中顯得獨一無二。

Motorola and the stylized m logo are registered in the us patent & trademark office . all other product or service names are the property of their respective owners Motorola及m字標志乃美國專利及商標辦事處之注冊商標,所有其他產品或服務名稱乃各自擁有者之產權。

Motorola and the stylized m logo are registered in the us patent trademark office . all other product or service names are the property of their respective owners Motorola及m字標志乃美國專利及商標辦事處之注冊商標,所有其他產品或服務名稱乃各自擁有者之產權。