
stygian adj.【希臘神話】冥河 (Styx) 的;陰間的,地獄...


Bear in mind also that the outstanding notional stock of derivatives has soared to more than $ 1 / 2 quadrillion over this horizon , representing an extra $ 1 . 7 million haystack in which to search for the poisoned needle of mathematically - abstruse , systemic risk for each and every , readily - valued , new ounce of metal brought laboriously up from the stygian gloom and into the broad light of day 還有一點也要引起重視,衍生品市場的名義凈持倉已增加到了500萬億美金以上,這相當于在價值170萬美元的干草堆中尋找每一根針鼻那么大的金子,也就是不辭辛勞、苦苦搜索那每一盎司新開采出來的黃金,這些玩意兒被人們從黑暗的地獄中找出來,現如今終于來到光天化日之下。

We got a fire alarm going off in the rear wing of 213 , stygian street 在黑暗街213號后街有火警響起

He switched off the light, called for the first slide, and talked for three quarters of an hour in stygian tenebrosity . 他關掉電燈,叫人放第一張幻燈片,然后在冥府般的黑暗中講了四十五分鐘的話。