
stupid adj.1.愚蠢的;頭腦糊涂的。2.無聊的(書),乏味的...


It is stupid to go to the expense of taking music lessons if you never practice . 花錢上音樂課而從不練習是很愚蠢的。

Do not be misled, young friends, by stupid superstition . 青年朋友們!千萬別讓愚昧無知的迷信把你們引入迷途。

He may be stupid and mean , but his one saving grace is his humor . 他雖說又愚蠢又吝嗇,但他有幽默的長處。

A highly intelligent man should take a primitive and stupid woman . 非常聰明的男人應當娶幼稚、愚蠢的女人。

It is a stupid and barbarous way to extend dominion by arms . 武力不過是主權擴張的一種愚蠢而野蠻的方式。

You put me up for a minute, but now i'm stupid again . 你把我攪動了一陣子,可是現在我又提不起勁了。

He is not at all stupid . 他一點不傻。

You're a stupid boy, but your mother's to blame for that . 你是個遲鈍的孩子,但這是你母親的過錯。

I did many stupid things when i was young and suggestible . 我年輕時受外界的影響做過不少傻事。

How stupid you were. you should have known what he was driving at . 他這點意思你都聽不出來。

Then we're stupid russians who didn't get the word . 那咱們就算是愚蠢的俄國人,沒弄懂口令。

He 's a rather stupid person . 他是個二百五。

That is just plain stupid . 那簡直是愚不可及。

You are being very stupid now . 你今天真傻氣。

It is not only blind men who make such stupid mistakes . 決不只是瞎子才犯這樣愚蠢的錯誤。

I shall not have success if they're too stupid . 如果他們都那么愚不可及,我是不會順利的。

I was just too stupid to accept my good fortune . 我竟愚蠢至極,連天賜的好運也不愿接受。

He saw no way of eluding featherstone's stupid demand . 費瑟斯通的愚蠢要求使他走投無路。

She might have pitied herzog's stupid eggheadedness . 她也許曾經可憐過赫索格的書呆子氣。