stupa n.〔印度用語〕 卒堵婆,印度塔,浮屠,舍利塔。
n. 〔印度用語〕 卒堵婆,印度塔,浮屠,舍利塔。 “bhallar stupa“ 中文翻譯: 巴拉爾塔“bodhnath stupa“ 中文翻譯: 大佛塔“borobodur stupa“ 中文翻譯: 千佛壇塔“boudhanth stupa“ 中文翻譯: 拿佛塔“choukhaudi stupa“ 中文翻譯: 柯坎地培“dhamek stupa“ 中文翻譯: 克佛塔; 曇麥克塔“dhamekh stupa“ 中文翻譯: 答枚克佛塔“dharmarajika stupa“ 中文翻譯: 法王塔“kumbu stupa“ 中文翻譯: 萬佛塔“maha stupa“ 中文翻譯: 供奉過佛舍利的大佛塔“ramabhar stupa“ 中文翻譯: 拉馬巴爾佛塔“sanch stupa“ 中文翻譯: 桑奇大塔“sharira-stupa“ 中文翻譯: 舍利塔“stupa; pagoda“ 中文翻譯: 浮屠“swayambhunath stupa“ 中文翻譯: 四眼天神廟“great stupa of bodhgaya“ 中文翻譯: 菩提迦耶“great stupa of sanchi“ 中文翻譯: 奇大塔“maha nirvana stupa“ 中文翻譯: 大涅盤塔“sri dhammarajika stupa“ 中文翻譯: 達磨羅吉迦塔“vishwa shanti stupa“ 中文翻譯: 世界和平塔“world peace stupa“ 中文翻譯: 世界和平塔“stup_volume_mn volume menu“ 中文翻譯: 音量菜單“stupachenko“ 中文翻譯: 斯圖帕琴科“stup_timeforma time format“ 中文翻譯: 就是12小時制和24小時制; 設定時間格式“stupak“ 中文翻譯: 斯圖帕克“stup_thisimonl this sim only“ 中文翻譯: 拒用其它
stupe |
The square of 9 is an instrument which calculates the mathematical measure of the growth of a form from a germination point , and correlates the motion or growth of that form with the astronomical and astrological influences governing it , allowing the analyst to read the stages of and influences upon the development of the stupa , lotus , form or market 9方圖是一個工具,計算從一個特有的萌芽點狀態形成生長的數學度量,使得由這個起點產生的特有的運動和成長形式與天文和占星的影響和控制與調節作用力產生關聯,這樣可以使得分析家可以讀取到宇宙發展運動的進程和影響狀態。 |
At an elevation of more than 3 , 700m , the potala occupies an area of more than 360 , 000m . its 13 - story main portion rises 117m . the whole complex , consisting of halls , stupa - tomb halls ( where the relics of the supreme lamas are preserved ) , shrines , prayer rooms , monks dormitories and courtyards , is recognized as the world s highest and largest castle palace 布達拉宮海拔3700多米,占地總面積36萬余平方米,建筑總面積13萬余平方米,主樓高117米,共13層,其中宮殿、靈塔殿、佛殿、經堂、僧舍、庭院等一應俱全,是當今世上海拔最高、規模最大的宮堡式建筑群。 |
At an elevation of more than 3 , 700m , the potala occupies an area of more than 360 , 000m . its 13 - story main portion rises 117m . the whole complex , consisting of halls , stupa - tomb halls where the relics of the supreme lamas are preserved , shrines , prayer rooms , monks dormitories and courtyards , is recognized as the world s highest and largest castle palace 布達拉宮海拔3700多米,占地總面積36萬余平方米,建筑總面積13萬余平方米,主樓高117米,共13層,其中宮殿靈塔殿佛殿經堂僧舍庭院等一應俱全,是當今世上海拔最高規模最大的宮堡式建筑群。 |
They were the execution grounds of the khmer rouge regime . to commemorate those who died here , the government built a memorial stupa in 1988 , and 8 , 000 skulls excavated from the mass graves were placed here . an annual memorial service is also held here on 9 may :距離市區15公里,是赤柬政權的刑場,政府為了紀念這些無辜亡魂, 1988年在此建了一座佛塔,里面安放了自墳冢里挖出來的8 , 000多顆頭骨,每年的5月9日,這里均會舉行追思典禮。 |
The paper makes comparison among the octagonal stupa of gandhara , stone pagoda of the northern liang and grottoes in qingyang of gansu province , restores the octagonal stupa in loulan and deduces the spreading routes of octagonal stupa from gandhara to china 本文主要運用考古學方法,通過犍陀羅八面體佛塔與北涼石塔、甘肅慶陽石窟的比較研究,對樓蘭八面體佛塔進行了復原,歸納出八面體佛塔從犍陀羅到中國的傳播路線。 |
Shakyamuni , the historical buddha , had instructed his disciples that after his passing , his body should be cremated and the remains enshrined in a reliquary monument , or stupa , as was the custom with regard to the great leaders of the past in india 釋迦牟尼佛又稱佛陀曾指示?的弟子在?圓寂之后將?肉體火化將其骨灰供奉在一個圣塔里如同古印度其他偉人離開世間般一樣。 |
The remains of that spiritual leader are preserved in a stupa in the neighboring hall . construction of that hall , begun in 1933 , was not completed until three years later . thus it is the newest hall in the whole complex 此外還有上師殿、普賢追隨殿、響銅殿、時輪殿、釋迦能仁殿、釋迦百行殿、花師殿、菩提道次第殿、持明殿、世襲殿等殿堂。 |
A proper buddhist altar holds symbols of enlightened body , speech and mind , traditionally represented by displaying a statue or photo of buddha shakyamuni , a scripture , and a stupa 一個合適的佛桌應該包含了佛陀的身口意。一般來說我們可用釋迦牟尼佛的法相代表?的身一部佛教經典代表?的口以及一個佛塔來代表?的意。 |
These treasures include a statue of buddha which has a bit of heat at its heart , the collected works of drigung dharmakirti consisting of about 15 volumes , and many stupas including the stupa of enlightenment 十五歲時,在多丹堪布袞噶南杰尊前聽聞沙彌德品戒經佛子行天文歷法星算三十頌性轉法等論典。 |
Celebrated at the time of the tazaung dine festival . people throe with lotus flowers to the top of the stupa , located at the north entrance of the mahamuni pagoda , as homage to the lord buddha 達梢旦節日期間舉行的一個慶典,人們到瑪哈慕尼佛塔北面入口處的印度塔頂插上鮮花,以此來朝拜佛祖。 |
The boudhanath stupa , is the largest in all nepal . it is a big thirteen level pagoda standing on a white dome . one can see the buddha s eyes painted on all four sides of the pagoda 其一名為布特佛塔boudhanath stupa ,是全尼泊爾最大的佛塔,一座十三層的大佛塔矗立于白色半球體的基層上。 |
On all fours sides of the swayambhunath stupa , one sees the all - encompassing , compassionate eyes of the buddha and the wisdom eye that s often mentioned in buddhism 蘇瓦揚布拿佛塔四周亦同樣可見慈眼環伺的佛眼及佛教修持中所提及的智慧眼。 |
Pic 1 his eminence tai situ rinpoche gave the teaching of mahamudra in front of the stupa of the 8th tai situ 12 . 2004 , in palpung sherabling 圖一:尊貴的大司徒仁波切端坐在第八世大司徒仁波切的舍利塔前向來自世界各地的弟子們教授大手印 |
After buddhism spread into china , octagonal stupa was widely used by chinese bonzes and exerted profound influence upon the buddhist art in china 佛教入華后,八面體佛塔被中國僧人廣為利用,對中國佛教藝術產生了深遠的影響。 |
The stupa should be placed to the right of the buddha image , or below the buddha if the altar consists of several levels 佛塔應該置于佛像的右手邊。當你的佛桌有許多階層時佛塔則應該放置在佛像的正下方。 |
Only the heavenly beings , great bodhisattvas who stay up in the air , could look and see the buddha in the stupa 但大眾卻依舊在那兒,無法脫離靈鷲山的地面,依舊無法看到多寶佛。 |
Then with all these manifested bodies , shakyamuni made a gesture , and suddenly the door of the stupa opened 在分身佛齊聚后,釋迦牟尼佛做了一個手印,突然,多寶佛塔的門大開。 |
Usually he wears a small stupa in his headdress , and could be holding a chakra wheel resting a lotus 他通常在頭飾上戴著一個小的佛塔,可以手持著一個放置著蓮花的金* * 。 |
The mandala may have derived from the circular stupa and the ritual of walking around the stupa in a circle 曼荼羅也許是源自圓形的佛塔和環形圍繞佛塔行走的典禮。 |