stun vt.1.把…打昏過去。2.(打鼓等)使震聾耳朵。3.使...
vt. 1.把…打昏過去。 2.(打鼓等)使震聾耳朵。 3.使發愣,使目瞪口呆,使大吃一驚。 n. 震驚;暈眩;〔美國〕胡桃。 “shield stun“ 中文翻譯: 沖擊盾/猛力沖擊,造成對方暫時昏迷“stun attack“ 中文翻譯: 昏迷之擊“stun baton“ 中文翻譯: 致暈棍“stun driod“ 中文翻譯: 機械癱瘓“stun gas“ 中文翻譯: (防暴用)致暈毒氣。 “stun grenade“ 中文翻譯: 閃光彈(令敵人失去視覺一段時間); 眩暈彈; 眩暈手榴彈; 震蕩手榴彈; 震撼手雷“stun gun“ 中文翻譯: (防暴用)致暈槍。 “stun knowledge“ 中文翻譯: 擊暈技巧; 擊暈知識“stun length“ 中文翻譯: 使目標眩暈的時間“stun punch“ 中文翻譯: 重拳“stun shot“ 中文翻譯: 沖擊箭“stun spore“ 中文翻譯: 麻痹粉“e stun spore“ 中文翻譯: 麻痹粉“electric stun gun“ 中文翻譯: 電擊槍“power word stun“ 中文翻譯: 律令震懾; 命昏術“stun-gun wrist-watch“ 中文翻譯: 手表型麻醉槍“stumwork“ 中文翻譯: 斯頓藝術刺繡“stumwood“ 中文翻譯: 殘干材“stumsdorf“ 中文翻譯: 施圖姆斯多夫“stumrot“ 中文翻譯: 根腐“stumpy ship“ 中文翻譯: 鈍船型船
stun gas |
Don ' t be surprised if your friends are stunned 你的朋友如果驚呆了可別覺得奇怪。 |
How come the stun grenade didn ' t bother you 為什么只有你一個人不在乎那個炸彈? |
I made up a lie about my looks , being stunning . . 我編了個謊話我的長相很出眾… |
I was stunned on the spot and departed somewhat stupefied 就傻傻地往山下走去。 |
At the concert, though mr. momus sang his most stunning comic songs, and asked his most astonishing riddles, never did a kind smile come to visit foker's lips . 在音樂會上,雖然莫默斯先生唱的是最有趣的詼諧歌曲,給人猜的是最驚奇的謎語,福克的嘴唇上還是沒有露出一絲笑容。 |
On entering the kitchen, his ears were agreeably stunned by the noise of dishes and pans, of oaths and commands . 一跨進廚房,只聽得盤子、鐵鍋的碰撞聲,又是咒罵又是發號施令的嘈雜聲,震耳欲聾,他卻覺得很愜意。 |
Yet he hardly expected the germans to recover sufficiently to launch the stunning surprise that burst on the western front . 可是他萬萬沒有料到,德軍竟能重整旗鼓,恢復元氣,發動一次令人震驚的奇襲,猛撲西線。 |
Abner, stunned by the suddenness of the attack, rose unsteadily to his feet and studied the naked giant who guarded the platform . 給突然襲擊嚇懵了的艾布納搖搖晃晃立起身來,朝守護石壇的裸體巨人望了一會兒。 |
Jeanne was so much overcome by wonder, and even by awe, that her feelings were deep, stunning and almost overpowering . 珍妮簡直驚駭得說不出話來,她的感情是深沉的,她感到頭暈目眩,幾乎支持不住。 |
Stunned by the schechter decision, the president went to the root of the issue in a press conference on may 31 . 總統對謝克特案的判決感到很吃驚,于是在5月31日的記者招待會上說出了這件事的真相。 |
In the men's toilets, more volunteers formed lines in front of the urinals, each line moving with stunning slowness . 男廁所里,另有好多志愿者在便池前排起長隊,隊伍移動的速度極慢。 |
I must have sat there stunned and blinking at the note as much as a minute before i came rightly to myself again . 我在那兒坐著發愣,望著那張鈔票直眨眼,大約足有一分鐘才清醒過來。 |
Jastrow stares in a stunned way at the still audience, then stumbles toward the first row . 杰斯羅用驚呆了的神氣瞪眼望著鴉雀無聲的聽眾,然后趔趔趄趄地朝著第一排聽眾走過去。 |
Gorbachev must have found himself hard pressed to explain the stunning turn of events to them . 戈爾巴喬夫一定覺得很難向他們解釋清這個突如其來的轉變。 |
For a moment after lini appeared in her new clothes there was stunned silence among the men . 看到林妮穿著新衣服出來時,一伙男人都驚得目瞪口呆。 |
As a monument of stone, the great pyramid of khufu is a stunning achievement . 作為一種石構建筑的遺跡來說,庫弗大金字塔是件了不起的成就。 |
Anyway, mankind is stunned by the exuberance and beauty of certain individuals . 總之,人類被某些個人的富足和美弄得糊里糊涂了。 |
Many people, including margaret roberts, were stunned at the result . 很多人,其中包括瑪格麗特羅伯茨,對這次結果大為震驚。 |
If he were to make a discovery to the contray, he would be simply stunned . 要是他所發現的情況恰恰相反,他準會嚇得目瞪口呆。 |