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stump speech 〔美國〕樹樁演說,競選演說。

stump word

Make a stump speech out of it . bloom in workman s corduroy overalls , black gansy with red floating tie and apache cap 身穿工人的燈芯絨工裝褲和黑色羊毛衫,系著一條飄揚的紅領帶,頭戴阿帕切195式便帽。

Mr clinton ' s stump speeches tend to narcissism ? particularly when he is reflecting on his glory years in the white house 克林頓先生令人迷惑的演講有自戀的傾向,尤其是當他談起他在白宮的光輝歲月。

Now , at a fundraiser at a small - town golf club , he is preparing to recycle his stump speech once again 現在,經由一名籌款人安排,他正準備在一個小城的高爾夫俱樂部的再次來一場競選演說。