
stronghold 要塞;據點,根據地;中心點。


Nevertheless , david captured the stronghold of zion , that is the city of david 撒下5 : 7然而大衛攻取錫安的保障、就是大衛的城。

David stayed in the desert strongholds and in the hills of the desert of ziph 14大衛住在曠野的山寨里、常在西弗曠野的山的。

Heroes visiting the hall of valhalla in a stronghold become better warriors 在據點城里訪問了英烈祠的英雄將變成更好的武士。

Because of his strength i will watch for you , for god is my stronghold 詩59 : 9我的力量阿、我必仰望你因為神是我的高臺。

Then some of the sons of benjamin and judah came to the stronghold to david 代上12 : 16又有便雅憫和猶大人到山寨大衛那里。

44 . our tourism sector is another one of our traditional economic strongholds 44 .旅游業向來是本港經濟的另一重要支柱。

So david dwelt in the stronghold ; therefore they called it the city of david 7大衛住在保障里,所以那保障叫作大衛城。

But david took the stronghold of zion , which is now the city of david 7然而大衛攻取了錫安的保障,就是如今的大衛城。

To beard a magistrate in his stronghold , and on the sabbath , too 竟敢冒犯一位長官,而且在他們公館里,還是在安息日!

I will destroy the cities of your land and tear down all your strongholds 11也必從你國中除滅城邑,拆毀一切的保障。

Iraqi and us forces raided the shiite militia stronghold in baghdad today 伊美兩軍今天突襲了巴格達什葉派民兵據點。

Babylon ' s warriors have stopped fighting ; they remain in their strongholds 30巴比倫的勇士止息爭戰,藏在堅壘之中。

We immediately barraged the enemy stronghold with a torrent of rifle fire 我們立刻用密集的步槍火力攻擊敵人據點。

Our tourism sector is another one of our traditional economic strongholds 旅游業向來是本港經濟的另一重要支柱。

Pray that god will break the stronghold and let his power manifest 求主打破這地的捆綁,使神的權能得以彰顯。

And david went up from there and lived in the strongholds of en gedi 29大衛從那里上去、住在隱基底的山寨里。

Having captured enemy strongholds means they are taken by infantrymen 奪取敵據點是指該據點被步兵攻占了。

He is my shield and the horn of my salvation , my stronghold 他是我的盾牌,是拯救我的角,是我的高臺。

Israel considered tyre to be a hezbollah stronghold 以色列一直堅持認為提爾是真主黨游擊隊的一個據點。