
strident adj.軋軋叫的,唧唧叫的,刺耳的。adv.-ly ,-...


In general , there were four traits : the foreign religions invading on a large scale , so the ecology of culture was damaged ; the conflicts between the foreign religions and the people were strident , so the religion case occurred frequently ; the traditional religion also existed , and having local prosperity ; folk religions were so flourishing , and participated in the social reforms 這些轉變概括來說,具有知下四個特點: “洋教”大舉侵入,文化生態遭到破壞;民教沖突尖銳,教案時有發生;傳統宗教仍然存在,并有區域性的興盛;民間信仰異彩紛呈,參與社會變革。

This is the story , set in new york city in 1963 , of a budding romance between womanizing journalist and playboy catcher block ( mcgregor ) , cleverly described as a ” man ' s man , ladies ' man , man about town ” , and a strident feminist advice columnist , barbara novak ( zellweger ) , who finds her own rules of love contradicted by her attraction to the cad 故事背景在1963年紐約,敘述一名風流成性的雜志記者(伊旺麥奎格)與一名女權主義專欄作家(瑞妮齊薇格) ,他們理念南轅北轍,卻終于墜入愛河的故事。

Each stalk served as a perch for a grasshopper , which regaled the passers by through this egyptian scene with its strident , monotonous note . for about seven or eight years the little tavern had been kept by a man and his wife , with two servants , - a chambermaid named trinette , and a hostler called pecaud 但這些麥莖,卻方便了無數的蟬娘,它們隨著那些不幸的拓荒者一同來到這片荒地上,經過百拆不撓的奮斗以后,在這些發育不健全的園藝標本間定居下來,用它們那單調刺耳的叫聲追逐著來到這里的。

As he listened to her , there rang in the ears of his memory the harsh cries of barbarian women and of hags , and , in lesser degrees of harshness , the strident voices of working women and of the girls of his own class 聽她說話時,他記憶的耳朵里也響起了兇悍的婦女刺耳的眼噪和勞動婦女和他本階級的姑娘們雖不刺耳卻也不中聽的聲音。

So whatever the cries of distress from the displaced , however strident the warnings of environmentalists , no matter how sceptical the economists , the fact is that the dam has been built 所以,不論那些無家可歸的痛哭聲有多凄厲,環保人士的警告有多尖銳,經濟專家的質疑有多嚴肅,大壩已經建成了。

The passing of vociferous european opposition to the iraq war , combined with the policy failures of the strident neoconservatives in america , have made the transatlantic relationship easier 隨著歐洲反對伊戰的聲勢漸去,以及美國強硬的新保守主義在政治上的失利,大西洋兩岸的關系有所緩和。

History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamour of the bad people , but the appalling silence of the good people 歷史不得不如此記錄,這段社會變革的最大的悲劇不是惡人的喧囂,而是好人駭人的沉默。

Inflation has recently climbed back into double digits , and the party press is issuing strident warnings , urging restraint on buyers and sellers alike 最近通貨膨脹再次上升到兩位數字,黨政報刊正在發出警告,敦促買方和賣方要有所克制。

Berlusconi , who is running in an april 9 - 10 election , is italy ' s richest man and has often portrayed himself communism ' s most strident opponent 4月9 - 10號大選的競爭者,是意大利最有錢的人,經常形容自己是貢產主意最堅定的反對者。

The toughest obstacle to improving the worst is the strident opposition of the teachers ' unions to meritocracy 目前,影響這些差學校改進的最大障礙來自全美教師工會對精英教育喋喋不休的抗議聲。

However , the talks do indicate the value of activism by hedge funds or any other strident investor 然而,這場談判確實印證了對沖基金或其他怨憤的投資人積極采取行動的價值。

Why have the chinese shifted from strident opposition to muted acquiescence 為什么中國突然轉變了態度,變得沉默或者說使默許了呢?

The news organization ' s coverage of china , however , is strident and critical 新聞也包括來自中國的事情,但都是聒噪刺耳的批評。

The siren is really strident 警笛聲好尖銳啊。

A : the siren is really strident 警笛聲好尖銳啊。

The more i listened to it , the louder and more strident it became 我越聽越覺得噪音喧響,越發的刺耳難聽。

To this small but increasingly strident group a victory for hanoi was not regrettable . 這些激進分子人數雖少,但越來越尖刻,對他們來說,河內的勝利并非憾事。

There was nothing earth-shattering, no strident revelation . 講的內容既沒有驚天動地的消息,也沒有故作驚人之語。

His strident voice rang through the house . 他那刺耳的嗓音響徹整個房子。