
strict adj.1.嚴格的;嚴厲的。2.精確的,精密的;嚴謹的;...


In such a case, strict observance of the provisions and rules is necessary in dealing with documentary credits . 在這種情況下,我們在受理跟單信用證時,有必要嚴格地遵守這些條款和規則。

Frequently the absolute intensity is increased since the selection rules are less strict in the condensed phase . 由于在凝相中,選擇定則是比較不嚴格的,所以絕對強度往往有所增大。

But there are also dangers in such work, even though most biological laboratories have strict safety rules . 即使大多數的生物實驗室都有嚴格的安全規定,但這種工作仍存在著危險。

She never returned to the fiercely strict methodism of her youth, nor inflicted it on her children . 她再沒有回到年輕時期嚴格遵守的衛理公會教義上,也沒有把這強加給子女們。

The commodity futures trading commission imposes somewhat stricter regulations on all trading than in the past . 商品期貨交易委員會對各項交易的規定較前稍微嚴格了一些。

General patton's buoyant leadership and strict insistence upon discipline rapidly rejuvenated the ii corps . 巴頓將軍之活潑領導與嚴明紀律,使第二軍的士氣迅速恢復過來。

Craddock had the strictest notions of morality, and absolutely refused to take his wife to a music-hall . 克雷杜克有極嚴格的道德觀念,絕對不同意帶妻子到雜耍場去。

Workers are the source of all value, under strict marxist usage of the labor theory of value . 在馬克思主義勞動價值論的嚴謹論述中,工人是一切價值的源泉。

Scobie against the strictest orders was exercising his own imperfect judgment . 斯考比現在違犯了最嚴的法令,想運用自己的并不完備的判斷力來處理這件事。

He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally . 他解釋說,他的飲食規定得太嚴格了,因此他不得不偶爾犒賞一下自己。

A strict honesty and an even, regular behavior are in themselves obstacles to him . 他一個人卻盡在那里干板正直、循規蹈矩做人,前途自然障礙重重。

In general, the stricter the physical containment, the less strict is the biological containment . 總之物理防護措施越嚴,生物防護措施則可稍松。

So far the discussion has centered entirely around mutation in the strict sense . 到目前為止,嚴格來講,討論完全集中于圍繞突變問題上。

We must n't be too strict with young people , nor can we let them do whatever they like . 對青年既不能約束過嚴,又不能一切任其自流。

In every thing else the etiquette of the day might stand the strictest investigation . 那天的儀式,在其他方面都經得起最嚴格的檢驗。

In everything the etiquette of the day might stand the strictest investigation . 那天的儀式,在各個方面都經得起最嚴格的檢驗。

The family itself was subject to the strict religious, social, and moral norms . 家庭本身隸屬于嚴格的宗教,社會和道德的規范。

In the colonies outside new england, no strict theocracies had been set up . 新英格蘭以外的殖民地并沒有實行嚴格的神權統治。

These new-comers did not migrate into europe in the strict sense of the world . 這些新來的人嚴格說來并不是移居歐洲的。