
stretch vt.1.伸展,伸出;展開,鋪開,擴張;張,繃,拉直;拉...


The forest stretches for miles . 森林綿延數英里。

I found him stretched out on the bed, dead on the world . 我發現他躺在床上,睡得極香。

The runners rounded into the home stretch . 賽跑運動員都拐彎進入了接近終點的一段距離。

Upon assembly, the spring is given an initial stretch . 在裝配時預先給與彈簧初始拉長。

Psoas stretch is negative . 腰大肌牽張試驗顯陰性。

The flat countryside stretched out as far as the eye could see . 平原展開,一望無際。

You see the heavens stretched out like a tent . 你可以看見天空象一個大布幕一樣張著。

She has not been sufficiently stretched at school this term . 她本學期功課不太緊張。

He lay stretched on the lawn . 他伸開四肢躺在草地上。

The fishing in this stretch of the river is strictly preserved . 此段河流嚴禁捕魚。

The credibility stretched the idea to the limits . 這種理論的可靠性降到了最低限度。

They got off to stretch their legs . 他們下車溜溜腿。

The river was stretched more widely before them . 在他們面前,河面伸展得更為廣闊。

A pall stretched for miles away from the island . 一股煙幕延伸出島外達數英里之遙。

Vast meadows stretch to the east . 遼闊的草場向東伸展。

There is no constructional stretch to be eliminated . 沒有制造上的松馳需要消除。

He could not stretch out his money to the end of the month . 他的錢花不到月底。

I stretched and rubbed my eyes . 我伸了下懶腰,揉揉眼睛。

She stretched across the table for the butter . 她探身去取放在餐桌對面的黃油。