
strength n.1.力,力量,體力。2.強度,濃度;長處;(要塞等的...


He learns the simple strength of simple desires . 他就懂得專一的欲望有著專一的力量。

The strength of the magnetic fields are likewise fixed . 磁場的大小也同樣是固定的。

His physical strength was derived from running every day . 他的體力得力于每天跑步。

Chain felt his strength ebbing . 錢恩感到已筋疲力盡。

It's a pity earnshaw is not his match in strength . 可惜恩蕭在力氣上不是他的對手。

Winterborne admitted the strength of the argument . 維恩特波恩承認這種說法有道理。

He seemed to have no strength . 看來他并沒有多大氣力。

Both sides built up their strength . 雙方都在集結力量。

He tried with all his failing strength to rise . 他用盡全身微弱的力氣,想站起來。

He has twice the strength he had . 他比從前加倍強壯了。

Oh, if the people only knew their strength ! 啊,但愿老百姓知道他們有多大的力量。

I do feel deeply the strength of the collective . 我確實深深地感到了集體的力量。

They are of about the same strength . 他倆力氣不相上下。

Stronson didn't have the strength to carry through . 斯特朗森沒有能力度過難關。

He is merely conserving his strength . 他只是在保養精神。

What was the strength of the red army ? 紅軍的兵力有多少?

The bandits turned out in full strength . 匪徒們傾巢出動。

Joe hung onto him with all his strength . 驕拚命扭住了他。

My youth and youthful strength fled long ago . 我的青春和青春的活力早已消失。