
streak n.1.紋理,條紋,斑紋,條痕,條層,色條,色線。2.【...

streak camera

“ you wetly drenched my heart like streaks of rain . “你像雨水般滲透了我的內心

I just , you know , i have this damn competitive streak 對不起,我應該學會控制自己

When he was pressed to the wall, his romantic streak surfaced and he would see himself as a beleaguered military commander in the tradition of patton . 當他被逼得走投無路時,他略帶浪漫色彩的氣質就會表現出來,他就會把自己看作是一位象巴頓將軍那樣遭到圍困的軍事指揮官。

But most of all, he possessed a streak of determinations, if not ruthlessness, which made him a superb head of counterespionage . 最重要的是,他雖然說不上殘酷無情,但卻意志堅決,這使他成了極好的反間諜領導人。

The light tonguelike streaks indicate distances the reflective flakes traveled during the exposure time of the photograph, 1/30 second . 亮的舌狀條紋表示反光薄片在曝光的一剎那間(130秒)所運行的距離。

A continuous photographic record of the isochromatics during rapid dynamic events can be obtained by the method of streak photography . 高速動態現象的等色線的連續照像記錄,可用狹縫照相法獲得。

He found himself looking blankly in the glass at the crows' feet round his eyes, and at some streaks of white in his hair . 他發現,他常常對著鏡子,茫然若失地端詳眼角的皺紋和頭上的幾根白發。

I was surprised and cheered to see how far dawn was advanced: what rosy streaks were beginning to brighten the east ! 看到黎明早已來臨,一道道玫瑰色霞光已照亮東方,我又驚又喜。

Through the bedroom window he could see the last streaks of grey being inked out of the sky by the encroaching night . 透過臥室的窗戶,他看到縷縷灰白色的余輝正被夜色侵吞。

Those who were faint in heart or lacking a fanatical streak of endurance did not stay long in the great northwest . 那些軟弱的、沒有熱情和缺乏耐心的人不會在大西北久住。

He'd come up town in his greasy overalls and sweaty blue shirt, with his face streaked up with smoke . 他穿著油膩的工褲和汗漬的藍襯衫,臉上還帶著一道道煙痕就進城了。

Every time i hear “god bless america“, tears run down my cheeks and i streak my makeup . 每次聽到《上帝保佑美國》的歌聲,我都會潸然淚下,把滿臉脂粉弄得斑駁狼藉。

Every time i hear “god bless america“ tears run down my cheeks and i streak my makeup . 每次聽到《上帝保佑美國》的歌聲,我就會潸然淚下,把滿臉脂粉弄得斑駁狼藉。

They were more frightened of his vengeance than of their father's, for frank had a vicious streak . 他們害怕他報復,要比怕他們父親更甚,因為弗蘭克的脾氣極壞。

She went down to the river bank, and stood gazing at a moon streak on the darkening water . 她走到河邊,河面已經暗了下來,她站在那里凝望水上的一痕月光。

Mama said that even then a little mean streak was noticeable in alice . 聽母親說,即使在那時候,從艾麗斯身上就隱隱約約可以看到那么一絲刁鉆刻薄的勁頭。

This destruction of thebes betrayed a streak of violence in the new master of human destinies . 西伯斯的毀滅,暴露了這位人類命運新主人的殘暴的味道。

Viruses are often classified into broad categories as mosaics, yellows, mottles, and streaks . 病毒病常分為幾大類,即花葉病,黃化病,斑駁或條斑。

The cretaceous extinction was like a terrible streak of bad luck lasting millions of years . 白堊紀的生物絕滅,猶如一場持續千百萬年的可怕厄運。