
stray vi.1.迷路,走失,失敗。2.誤入歧途,墮落;(議論)...


Blamed black sheep i stray , ostracised for being me . . 期待有勇氣對你說我的心態

The wind was blowing again, the rain was beating on the housetops, and the larger spaces through which he had strayed contracted to the four walls of his room . 風又在吹,雨點打在屋頂上,他在較寬闊的空間迷失了路途,不久,這寬闊的空間縮小到他屋子里四壁以內的范圍。

She gave such a bound from the floor, as she clapped her little hands, that two stray curls fell from under her quaker cap, and lay brightly on her white neckerchief . 她一面拍手,一面使勁蹦,把兩綹鬈發從她的教友會的小帽里震落了下來,黑白分明地襯在她的白圍巾上。

Gus stood at the table, toying with a cue stick, his eyes straying lazily over the billiard balls scattered about the table in the array of an unfinished game . 格斯站在桌旁,手里拿著一根彈球棒弄著玩,兩眼懶洋洋地瞟著因一局未完而散在桌上各處的彈球。

Neither of them spoke for a while. the fire was dying; a few stray raindrops found their way down the chimney and hissed in the cooling coals . 他們沉默著。爐火奄奄一息。零星的雨點從煙囪滴下來,落在逐漸冷卻的煤塊上,發出嘶嘶的聲音。

From time to time he rose and wandered about the house, picking up stray volumes and bringing them listlessly back to his box . 他不時站起身,在屋里走來走去,有時拿起幾本零散的書,然后又沒精打采地把它們放進箱里。

The presence of stray light is indicated by the absence of complete extinction when the phase difference is such that this should be achieved . 若位差達到應當消光的程度,卻未能完全消光即表示有雜散光存在。

One gets into the darker parts of the woods, when a stray gleam at sunshine finds its way down to the roots of the trees . 一線離群的陽光突然沖破層層障礙射向樹根時,使人能窺探到那陰暗的密林深處。

Whenever we caught a white boy on our side we stoned him; if we strayed to their side, they stoned us . 在我們這邊抓到個白孩子,我們就扔石頭打他;如果我們迷路走到他們那邊,他們就扔石頭打我們。

These stray currents usually have a higher frequency (50-60h2 harmonics) than those used in the ip frequency technique . 這些游散電流的頻率(5060H2及其諧波)通常比IP頻率域法中用的頻率要高。

He took the flashlight from the man, reached down into the engine and plugged the stray lead back onto the cylinder head . 他從那個手里拿過電筒照著發動機,把斷路的導線接到汽車缸蓋上。

Only two stray dogs benefited from all this confusion, for they greedily devoured what was left of the cake . 只有兩只野狗在混亂中得到了好處,它們狼吞虎咽地吃光了剩余的蛋糕。

Some months before he had chanced upon a stray copy of mr. pope's ingenious translation of the iliad . 幾個月以前,他偶然看過一本蒲伯先生精心翻譯的《伊利亞特》。

There will be stray torques from the leads to the detector and some frictional forces from the bearings . 接到探測器的導線和一些軸承摩擦力會產生雜散力矩。

He threw the brightness of his nature over every abyss and cavern through which he strayed . 他把那歡樂的性格帶到了他游歷過的每一個深淵和山洞。

It's unlikely that a space traveler would stray outside the craf without protective gear . 漫游太空的人不穿戴防護衣帽是不能走出宇宙飛船的。

Others as if they were straying off by themselves, headed straight for the open plain . 另外一些好像隨時準備遠走高飛,奔向那開闊的平原。

Stray mines began to turn up off the pacific coast , imperilling commercial shipping . 散逸的水雷開始在太平洋海岸出現而危及商船的航行。

My thoughts strayed from that question as i looked disconsolately at the fire . 我悶悶不樂,直瞅著爐火,把這個問題都丟到腦后了。