
storm n.1.暴風雨,暴風雪,大雪雨,大冰雹,狂風暴雨;【海、...

storm belt

I cannot weather this storm without assistance . 沒有人幫助我就抵不住這陣風暴。

The ship was helpless against the power of the storm . 那船抵擋不住風暴的力量。

I am afraid we are in for a storm . 看來我們要趕上暴雨了。

She had weathered many storms . 她已經歷了無數次驚濤駭浪。

He thought the crisis of the storm had passed . 他以為暴風雨的險情已經過去了。

Night approached, and with it a storm . 天眼看就黑了,狂風暴雨也要跟著來到了。

He weathered a terrific storm . 他度過了一場可怕的暴風雨。

“you know better than that!“ my father stormed . “你明知道不該干!“爸爸吼到。

The storm left a trail of destruction behind . 暴風雨過后留下滿目瘡痍的景象。

At dawn , we stormed the enemy 's stronghold . 拂曉時,我們猛攻了敵人的堡壘。

You know-a brain storm as they say . 你知道,照他們的說法,腦子突然出毛病了。

There will be a storm in three days . 未來三日內將有暴風雪。

Without waiting for a response, he stormed on . 不容對方還嘴,他又咆哮起來。

It looks as though we should have a storm . 好像要有暴風雨。

The sailboat keeled over in the storm . 帆船在風暴中傾覆了。

The storm beached half the fleet . 風暴使艦隊的半數艦只擱淺。

After the argument she stormed off . 經過爭論之后她憤然離開。

The storm surge swept in over route 41 . 颶風掀起的巨浪躍過了四十一號公路。

A storm was bearing down upon iceland . 一場風暴正向冰島逼來。