
storekeeper 1.倉庫管理人。2.【航海】軍需主任。3.〔美國〕店主,...


Professional security personnel , registration assistants , valuable objects storekeepers and managers in charge of massage and room services shall be trained with the relevant laws , regulations and public security practices and shall not go to work before passing the examination of public bureau and possessing the corresponding license 特種行業和公共場所單位的專職安全保衛人員、登記員、貴重物品保管員等特殊崗位的從業人員以及按摩和客房服務部門的負責人,應當接受有關法律、法規和治安業務的培訓,并經公安部門考核合格,持證上崗。

To get even the smallest item from the sores at work , you have to fill in a form , get it countersigned by your immediate superior , and then submit the request to the storekeeper between ten and eleven in the morning or three and four in the afternoon ? what a way to run a railway 甚至要從工作的倉庫里領一件最小的東西,你都必須先填表,然后讓你的頂頭上司簽字,再在早晨10點到11點或下午3點到4點之間向倉庫保管員提交申請這是個多么繁瑣的辦事過程!

During my trip , i remembered to recite the holy names continuously , whether i was conducting the market survey or visiting vegetarian stores to distribute free sample booklets and flyers , which the storekeepers were delighted to accept and display 一路上,不論是在作市場調查或是到素食品專賣店分發師父的樣書時,我都記得時時默念佛號。店家一聽到那些樣書和間準備是免費贈送給他們和顧客的,都很驚喜,他們高興地收下,并陳列在店里。

A storekeeper was sentenced to 240 hours of community service for conspiring to defraud insurance claims totalling 3 , 700 . he was also ordered to pay 3 , 700 as compensation to his company and 1 , 000 in court costs 一名店員,因串謀詐騙共三千七百元保險費,被判須履行二百四十小時社會服務,并須向其公司賠償三千七百元及繳付堂費一千元。

As long as a store isn ' t right in the middle of a rush , i ' ve found that most storekeepers are more than willing to help me figure out ingredient lists , and give some extra tips to make sure the dish turns out right 只要商店不在高峰期,我發現多數店員都極其熱心幫助我找出原料;你可以給出額外的小費確保讓這道菜成功。

A storekeeper and a housewife were each sentenced to two months imprisonment , suspended for 18 months , for deceiving a bank by inflating the purchase price of a property in order to obtain a larger mortgage loan 一名店員及其妻子夸大物業買價,以便向銀行騙取更高按揭貸款額,各被判入獄兩個月,緩刑十八個月。

Storekeeper : “ so people will think i ' m a fool and come in expecting to get the best of me . thanks to those signs , business is the best i ' ve had in years 店主: “這樣人們就會以為我是傻瓜而進來買東西,希望可以占我的大便宜。多虧這些招貼,多年來我的生意從沒這樣紅火過。 ”

Shop sales ( full time , part time ) , shop assistant ( part time ) , storekeeper , security guard ( full time , part - time ) , clerk , supervisor , customer service officer 保安員、兼職保安員、入數文員、兼職入數文員、錢幣處理員、合約文員、保安督察、客戶服務員主任

Shop sales full time , part time , shop assistant part time , storekeeper , security guard full time , part - time , clerk , supervisor , customer service officer 保安員、兼職保安員、入數文員、兼職入數文員、錢幣處理員、合約文員、保安督察、客戶服務員主任

If the transporter or storekeeper is responsible for the matter , the manufacturer or seller shall have the right to demand compensation for its losses 運輸者、倉儲者對此負有責任的,產品制造者、銷售者有權要求賠償損失。

If the transporter or storekeeper is responsible for the matter , the manufacturer or seller shall have the right to demand compensation for its losses 運輸者倉儲者對此負有責任的,產品制造者銷售者有權要求賠償損失。

Minutes later , they burst into hutcheson ' s store at stono ' s bridge , killed the two storekeepers , and stole the guns and powder inside 數分鐘后,他們沖進位于史唐諾橋上哈齊森的店,殺了兩名店員,偷走槍枝和一些補給品。

A storekeeper uses the company s storeroom to keep other companies stock in return for storage fees which he keeps for himself -管倉人員將其他公司的貨品儲存在所屬公司的貨倉內,私自收取儲存費用。

A storekeeper falsifies the store records to reduce the stock level so that stock can be taken out for personal use -管倉人員偽造存貨記錄,顯示較少的存貨量,以便將貨品據為己有。

The remittance of foreign buyer and carrying method are after clapping can with storekeeper mail the contact explain 國外買家的匯款和運送方式拍后可與店主郵件聯系說明。

Storekeeper : “ so people will think i ' m a fool and come in expecting to get the best of me 店主: “這樣人們就會以為我是傻瓜而進來買東西,希望可以占我的大便宜。

A former storekeeper of the company was jailed for nine months for his role in stealing the goods 該公司一名前倉務員亦因參與盜竊該等貨品,被判入獄九個月。

The gang forced all the storekeepers on the block to kick over $ 5 a week 那伙流氓強迫在該街區開店的老板每周各捐出5美元來。

The gang forced all the storekeepers on the block to kick over $ 5a week 那伙流氓強迫在該街區開店的老板每周各捐出5美元來。