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stock exchange 證券交易所。

stock farm

He is a young stockbroker at the new york stock exchange 他是紐約證券交易所的一位年輕的經紀人。

There is the biggest american stock exchange in the wall street 華爾街有美國最大的證券交易所。

Hong kong stock exchange all ordinaries index 香港所有普通股指數

Article 99 . a board of directors is set up in a stock exchange 第九十九條證券交易所設理事會。

Stock exchange alternative trading system 交易所另項交易系統英國

East asian stock exchange conference easec 東亞證券交易所聯合會議

The new york stock exchange is the world ' s biggest stock market 紐交所是全球最大的證券市場。

Committee of the stock exchange of hong kong 香港聯合交易所委員會

Stock exchange automated quotations system 交易所自動報價系統英國

Article 99 a stock exchange shall have a board of governors 第九十九條證券交易所設理事會。

Chapter stock exchanges chapter securities firms 第五章證券交易所

The stock exchange of hong kong limited 香港聯合交易所有限公司聯交所

Chief executive of stock exchange of hong kong 香港聯合交易所行政總裁

A comparative study on sino - vietnamese stock exchange markets 中越證券交易市場的比較研究

Share in the company is traded on the stock exchange 該公司的股票在證券交易所進行交易。

Stock exchange of hong kong limited , the 香港聯合交易所有限公司聯交所

The nasdaq is one such computerized stock exchange 納斯達克就是一個股票交易電算化系統。

I am china dragon stock exchange open an account partner 我是華龍證券交易所的開戶股東。

Trading on the stock exchange was light today 證券交易所今日交投平平