
stencil n.1.(鏤花)模板,型板,漏(字)板。2.(油印)蠟紙...

stencil paper

Creates a depth stencil resource 創建深度模具資源。

The device does not have a depth stencil buffer associated with it 設備沒有與之相關聯的深度模具緩沖區。

Shows how to use the stencil buffer to evaluate depth complexity 演示如何使用模具緩沖區計算深度復雜性。

If setting the stencil buffer entry to 0 is supported ; otherwise , 如果設備支持將模具緩沖區項設為零,則為

Contains flags that specify supported stencil buffer operations 包含指定受支持的模具緩沖區操作的標志。

Do you know how to cut a stencil 你會刻蠟版[打蠟紙]嗎?

Retrieves or sets stencil enabling 檢索或設置模具啟用。

Increments the stencil buffer entry , clamping to the maximum value 遞增模具緩沖區項,固定到最大值。

Returns a surface object that represents the depth stencil surface 返回表示深度模具圖面的圖面對象。

A buffer that contains stencil data 包含模具數據的緩沖區。

Sets the stencil buffer entry to 0 將模具緩沖區項設置為0 。

Type must be the same for the render target and the depth stencil surface 呈現目標和深度模具圖面的

Paper and board . characteristics of stencil duplicator copy paper 紙和紙板.蠟紙模板復印機用紙特性

Shows how to use the stencil buffer to generate shadow volumes 演示如何使用模具緩沖區生成陰影體。

Color bits , depth bits , stencil bits , single / double , etc 色彩位、深度位、模板位、單精/雙精度等。

Is the bit depth of the stencil buffer 是模具緩沖區的位深度。

Defines the supported stencil operations 定義支持的模具操作。

Does not update the stencil buffer entry 不更新模具緩沖區項。

Gets or sets the comparison function for the stencil test 獲取或設置用于模具測試的比較函數。