
slipper n.1.〔常 pl.〕 拖鞋;(室內)便鞋。2.(馬車的...

slipper bath

Would i like to live one day in his velvety slippers 我會夢想著有朝一日能穿上天鵝絨拖鞋?

I ' ve trained my dog to fetch my slippers 我把狗訓練得能給我叼拖鞋

Rule for inspection of fur slippers for export 出口裘皮拖鞋檢驗規程

Rule for inspection of colth slippers for export 出口布拖鞋檢驗規程

Hair dryer , shaving devices , bath robe , and bed room slippers 吹風機、刮胡刀、浴袍、拖鞋

Jack put his slippers underneath the sofa 杰克把拖鞋放在沙發底下。

Since then , the sight of slippers often reminded me of him 睹物思人,看到拖鞋便想起了他。

As far as possible need not public tub , towel , slipper 盡量不用公用的浴盆、毛巾、拖鞋等。

I ' ll lend you my green slippers ! - they were mine 我會借給你我的綠拖鞋! -它們以前是我的

- i ' ll lend you my green slippers ! - they were mine -我會借給你我的綠拖鞋! -它們以前是我的

“ the patient in room 601 wants to buy your slippers “ 601號房間的病人想要買你的拖鞋! ”

Cinderella : you see , i have the other slipper 你看,我有另一只拖鞋。

My slipper . - you ' re gonna lose your ticket 我的拖鞋-你的車票要掉了

I ' m worrying that these glass slippers might break one day 我擔心這些玻璃鞋終有一天會打破

- my slipper . - you ' re gonna lose your ticket -我的拖鞋-你的車票要掉了

The creation of new independent brand slippers 創造新的自主拖鞋品牌。

I rescue the remains of my slipper from the dog 我從那狗的口中奪回了我拖鞋的殘留部分。

He was standing there in a pair of those jailhouse slippers 當時還穿這那種拘留所的拖鞋

I wished i could put on the glass slippers just once 我希望我能穿上玻璃鞋即使一次也好