
russia n.1.=the Russian Empire.2.=前...

Mali and russia box games - 4455 miniclip games 瑪麗俄羅斯方塊小游戲- 4399小游戲

Comparative analysis on organized crime of sino - russia 中俄有組織犯罪的對比分析

A visit of the general secondary education in russia 俄羅斯普通中等教育考察綜述

Russia ' s security strategy : adjustment and influence 俄羅斯安全戰略調整及其影響

A review of the economic transformation theory in russia 俄羅斯經濟轉軌理論述評

Overview of the feminist movement in contemporary russia 當代俄羅斯女權運動概述

Studies on the emergence of the all market in russia 全俄統一市場究竟形成于何時

Russia greets the new year in achievement and test 俄羅斯在成就和考驗中迎來新年

On the underlying reasons for the disintegration of russia 論蘇聯解體的深層原因

Tolstoy's grand theme in war and peace was the sinking of napoleon in pierre bezukhov's mind from liberal deliverer of europe to blood thirsty invader of russia . 托爾斯泰的《戰爭與和平》的偉大主題使拿破侖在彼爾別竺豪夫的心目中一落千丈,從拯救歐洲自由主義救世主一降而為入侵俄羅斯的嗜血侵略者。

After pug's swift passage through war-torn russia moscow appeared to him about as untouched, peaceful, well-kept, and cheery as san francisco . 帕格仆仆風塵走遍了飽受戰火蹂躪的俄羅斯前線之后,莫斯科在他眼中簡直象舊金山一樣未受損傷、和平安靜、安然無恙,氣氛歡快。

The german army had already been depleted by its previous campaigns in russia and diluted by inclusion of its second-rate allies . 德軍由于在俄國的歷次戰役已經消耗殆盡,同時又由于它的二流水平的盟軍參加了它的隊伍而削弱了自己的力量。

They led to a war with russia which marks an epoch in the history of asia, the close of the period of european arrogance . 這些事件導致了一場對俄戰爭,這場戰爭在亞洲的歷史上標志著一個新紀元,標志著歐洲人妄自尊大時期的結束。

They insisted that britain and the united states recognize a provisional polish govenment in lublin that russia had sponsored and recognized . 他們堅持要英、美承認設于盧布林的波蘭臨時政府,該政府是得到俄國提攜和承認的。

A perceptive academic study of hitler's attack on russia in june 1941 takes wohlstetter's analysis a step further . 沃爾斯泰特對1941年6月希特勒對俄國發動進攻所作的頗具洞察力的學術性研究,使他的分析又深入了一步。

Then, on august 9, news came to tokyo that russia had entered the war, and that the americans had dropped a second atomic bomb on nagasaki . 于是在8月9日,俄國參戰和美國在長崎丟下第二顆原子彈的消息傳到東京。

I named the plan “catherine“, after catherine the great, because russia lay in the background of my thought . 我把這個計劃稱為“凱瑟琳計劃”,采取俄國偉大的女皇凱瑟琳的名字,因為在我的想法后面,隱藏著俄國。

The wehrmacht obeyed, and marched off into the remotest depths of southern russia on two separate roads to its sombre fate . 德國軍隊服從命令,分別沿著兩條路線進入南俄最遙遠的縱深地帶,朝著黑暗的命運前進。

Classification of steppe vegetation was developing principally in connection with the zonal division of the vast steppe areas of russia . 草原植被的分類主要是在俄國廣闊草原區的地帶劃分方面發展起來的。

The formalists emerged in russia in the years before the 1917 bolshevik revolution, and flourished throughout the 1920s . 這些形式主義者發軔于俄國1917年布爾什維克革命之前幾年,活躍于整個二十年代。