
russet adj.枯葉色的,黃褐色的,赤褐色的;手織的;〔古語〕鄉...


Cizhou kiln was one of the popular civilian klins existing in areas of henan , hebei and shanxi provinces . as the clay body - of yellowish brown , red and grey - was coarse and loose , the cizhou kiln potters applied a layer of white slip on the surface and decorated the ware with carved , sgraffito and russet painted patterns before firing them in the kiln 磁州窯是一個極大的民?體系散布于河南、河北、山西等地,其胎土質地粗松、顏色黃褐、紅、灰都有,所以磁州?制品,多先以白色化妝土涂抹胎面,再用刻、剔、或鐵繪技法裝飾花紋,之后再上釉燒制。

I covered my head and arms with the skirt of my frock , and went out to walk in a part of the plantation which was quite sequestered ; but i found no pleasure in the silent trees , the falling fir - cones , the congealed relics of autumn , russet leaves , swept by past winds in heaps , and now stiffened together 我撩起衣裙裹住腦袋和胳膊,走出門去,漫步在一片僻靜的樹林里。但是沉寂的樹木掉下的杉果,以及那凝固了的秋天的遺物,被風吹成一堆如今又凍結了的行褐色樹葉,都沒有給我帶來愉快。

Cizhou kiln was one of the popular civilian klins existing in areas of henan , hebei and shanxi provinces . as the clay body - of yellowish brown , red and grey - was coarse and loose , the cizhou kiln potters applied a layer of white slip on the surface and decorated the ware with carved , sgraffito and russet painted patterns before firing them in the kiln 磁州窯是一個極大的民體系散布于河南河北山西等地,其胎土質地粗松顏色黃褐紅灰都有,所以磁州制品,多先以白色化妝土涂抹胎面,再用刻剔或鐵繪技法裝飾花紋,之后再上釉燒制。

He saw them three by three , approaching girls , in green , in rose , in russet , entwining , per l aer perso in mauve , in purple , quella pacifica oriafiamma , in gold of oriflamme , di rimirar fe piu ardenti . but i old men , penitent , leadenfooted , underdarkneath the night : mouth south : tomb womb 著綠色玫瑰色枯葉色的衣服,相互摟著;穿過了這樣幽暗的地方168 ,身著紫紅色紫色的衣服,打著那和平的金光旗169 ,使人更加懇切地注視170的金光燦爛的軍旗,走了過來。

A spokesman for the government ' s property administration office , the bwg , which owns the land near the town of zernikow , 60 miles north of berlin , said the russet swastika of larches that stands out every autumn amid the green pines would be removed 黃褐色的,赤褐色的。落葉松這個大十字是黃色的落葉松植成的,在周圍綠色的松樹包圍中顯得十分顯眼。廣大的,多的這位發言人要求州政府采取更多的手段摧毀納粹遺跡。

Far and wide , on each side , there were only fields , where no cattle now browsed ; and the little brown birds , which stirred occasionally in the hedge , looked like single russet leaves that had forgotten to drop 小路兩旁。遠近只有田野,卻不見吃草的牛群。偶爾撥弄著樹籬的黃褐色小鳥,看上去像是忘記掉落的零星枯葉。

[ img ] http : / / pic . hjbbs . com / / doc / 200712 / top10 _ ruined _ food _ potatoes _ 7855 . jpg [ / img ] at the risk of pissing off idaho , the russet varieties of potatoes , with their brown skin and white flesh , are only marginally healthy to begin with 褐色土豆品種豐富,皮棕瓤白,本來還和營養食品沾點邊,否則它應該早就滾出愛荷華州來吧。

At the risk of pissing off idaho , the russet varieties of potatoes , with their brown skin and white flesh , are only marginally healthy to begin with 褐色土豆品種豐富,皮棕瓤白,本來還和營養食品沾點邊,否則它應該早就滾出愛荷華州來吧。

Maple glazed tender port chop slow cooked on the grill . comes with russet mashed potatoes & fresh saut ed seasonal vegetables 來自美國最純凈天然的豬肉,肉質緊實有彈性,肉汁飽滿!佐以楓糖醬碳烤,口感絕對滑嫩香醇有嚼勁

On the sea bed at depths of up to 3 , 000ft are vast coral reefs , forests of willowy feather - stars and russet - red sea urchins 在深達近千米的海底,生長著大片綺麗的珊瑚礁、婀娜多姿的海星和黃褐色的海膽。

And yet a russet gown , torn and soiled with the child s rude play , made a picture of her just as perfect 不過,珠兒即使身穿土布袍子,滿地打滾地玩,弄得衣服破爛硬梆,她的姿質仍是照樣完美。

One model said while she loved her potato salad outfit , her russet potato skirt was a “ little hey “ 一位模特表示,她喜歡自己這件用土豆做的裙子,雖然它有點重,但挺可愛。

The yellow ceiling looked as if it had been baked , and a lamp burned amid fumes of russet - colored fog 黃色的天花板像被火燒焦似的,在黃橙橙的云霧中,一盞燈籠點燃著。

The dogwood bud , pale green , is inlaid with russet markings 山茱?的花骨朵兒嫩綠嫩綠的,鑲著赤褐色的花邊。

The dogwood bud , pale green , is inlaid with russet markings 山茱萸嫩綠的花蕾鑲著赤褐色的斑紋。

I like to collect russet autumn leaves 我喜歡收集秋天赤褐色的葉子。

Her brown russet short-gown sets off a shape, which time, perhaps, might be expected to render too robust, the frequent objection to scottish beauty . 赤褐色的短袍襯托出她的苗條的身材,將來年令大了也許會變得粗壯,同蘇格蘭的審美觀點不相容。

Cuprous acetylide takes the form of a russet or reddish-brown powder, insoluble in water and in the majority of organic solvents . 乙炔亞銅是黃褐色的紅棕色的粉末,不溶于水和大多數有機溶劑。

The gardeners' tidy souls could not abide the gold and green and russet pattern on the grass . 園丁們的清潔習慣容不得草地上那片金黃色、綠色、紅褐色織成的圖案。