
russ adj.,n.〔古語〕=Russia(n).


In the structure and mechanism reliability analysis , the monte - carlo method , the importance sampling method and the extended importance sampling method which is presented in this paper are applied into the t russ structure , the box structure , the shaft structure and the flexible four - linkage mechanism 無人戰斗機機體可靠性分析是對無人戰斗機上的結構、機構(桁架結構、盒式結構、轉軸結構以及四連桿機構等這些最基本的結構、機構型式)進行可靠性分析。分析時采用蒙特卡羅法、重要抽樣法以及本文提出的擴展重要抽樣法。

Russ feingold , a senator from wisconsin , has urged congress to “ use its main power ? the power of the purse ? to put an end to this disastrous war ” , and dennis kucinich , an ohio congressman , has gone one better and produced a proposal to cut off the money and bring the troops home 威斯康星州參議員拉斯?法因戈爾德極力主張國會“行使其重要權力? ?控制錢袋子的權力? ?來結束這場災難性的戰爭” ,來自俄亥俄州的眾議員丹尼斯?庫欽奇走得更遠,他提議切斷資金來源,命令軍隊回國。

During the years he spent as front man for the group new song , russ racked up a long list of accolades , hits and awards including a dove nomination for best male vocalist . but the details of his resume don t tell the depth of his story 他成為組合新歌主音歌手的數年以來,唱出很多受歡迎的作品,且獲平鴿獎的最佳男歌手提名,但他的履歷表還未能揭示他故事的深度。

“ create your own ring allows customers to experiment with placing diamonds of varying shapes and sizes into assorted settings and precious metals , ” said amazon . com jewelry vice president , russ grandinette 亞馬遜還公布,他們目前有超過17000顆的鉆石存貨,重量從0 . 25克拉到5克拉不等,還有8種不同切割和40種不同底座款式的存貨。

By the age of seventeen , russ was dealing drugs out of his car and eventually russ reached the breaking point that turned his life around . he is now an ordained minister as well as an experienced performer 十七歲時,羅斯在車上運毒,后來他的生命終于到了轉捩點,現在已是一位牧師,也是富經驗的表演者。

But upon entering his teenage years russ s life took a turn for the worse and he looked to money , drugs , pornography to escape his problems 羅斯在田納西州克里夫蘭出生,擁有愛和歡笑的快樂童年,但在他青年時期,生命變得壞透了。他想用金錢毒品和色情來逃避他的問題。

Holly is a nurse so she is volunteering her skills whenever she is needed . russ is volunteering as an usher , tour guide , etc . thank you russ and holly 圣誕歌劇,了不起,就是這樣他們都是義工,你是護士,你會擔任義務護士,為他們鼓掌。

I hope you don t have to go through the struggles that russ lee went through . as a teenager he was dealing with drugs and hating himself 那些不能作出委身的人,不能委身于他的信仰,他的家人他的神他的教會,他的學校公司和道德標準。

Senator russ feingold of wisconsin triumphed in 2004 over an opponent ten years younger and better - looking 2004年,威斯康辛州參議員拉斯?費恩格德戰勝了一個比他小10歲而且比他更帥氣的對手。

The whole thrust of russ s life is focused on sharing the good news of christ with whoever and however and in every way he can 羅斯現在致力用各種的方法把基督的福音傳給所有的人。

He pulled his car to the side of the road , and russ lee called out to god , “ are you there , god 他會像羅斯李爾一樣哭泣,把他的車停汨在路旁。

It proved a momentous night for martin , for after dinner he met russ brissenden 那天晚上對馬丁很為重要,因為他晚飯后遇見了羅司布里森登。

Russ removes rust from wristwatches . he is russ , the wristwatch rust remover 拉斯清洗手表的銹。他是拉斯,手表上銹的清洗者。

And say hello to russ 跟拉斯打個招呼吧

Russ lee now celebrates 20 years as a great christian performer and pastor 他以成為基督教歌手來慶祝信主二十周年。

Russ lee cant keep a good man down the message by : robert a . schuller 我仍然在講我的新書,還會繼續講,書名是

China denies plan to rent russ . 支付困難歐洲最大家具制造商schi

Russ and holly bailey live in the state of washington 還是參加了另一場聚會,你們在這里嗎?

Turkey hash brown casserole . - lt ' s russ 一盤烤火雞肉沫-原來是拉斯呀