
rush n.拉什〔姓氏〕。

rush bearing

Maria, with her two children, rushed into his arms . 瑪麗亞帶著她的兩個孩子投到他的懷里。

They rush around sticking up posters and shouting slogans . 他們到處奔忙,貼標語喊口號。

We were rush through dinner . 我們趕快結束了晚餐。

The girl rushed down the steps and into her arms . 那少女匆匆走下扶梯,投入她的懷抱。

Economically, china today is in a rush to catch up . 今天的中國急于要在經濟上趕上去。

She rushed fiercely toward him . 她兇猛地向他撲來。

We rushed back to the place i had chipped the rock . 我們趕緊回到我鑿巖石的那個地方。

It didn't dawn on me that i was getting the bum's rush . 當時我還不知道我竟要被趕走。

She rushed to town that very night . 她連夜趕進城去。

In another moment she had rushed into the carriage . 轉眼工夫,她就走進馬車里去了。

There ought to be more buses during the rush hour . 高峰期間應該多開幾趟公共汽車。

He rushed to his horse. hallam followed him . 他奔到他的馬匹處,赫廉跟在他的身后。

Let me see . oh , they are in a rush to buy moon cakes . 我看看,他們在購買月餅。

Wait, don't rush me, my business won't run away . 等一等,別催我,我的買賣跑不了。

Blackness rushed into his head . 突然,他眼前一片漆黑。

It didn't dawn on me that i was getting the bum's rush . 我不明白,我竟要被趕走。

You will have to answer for your rush and carelessness . 你這樣毛躁非吃苦頭不可。

Torrents of water rushed down the mountain . 山洪暴發。

The whole tumultuous rush has passed . 這場風波結束了。