
runny adj.(-nier, -niest)1.液狀的。2.流...


White or near white , runny powder has hygroscopic quality , no smell or less bad smell , can not dissolve in water , alkali , acid and common organic solvent , has strong expand capability and complexation capability with kinds of substance 等。具有優良的溶解性生物相溶性生理惰性成膜性膠體保護能力和與多種有機無機化合物復合的能力,對酸鹽及熱較穩定,因此有著廣泛的用途。

It was reported that 1 boy and 2 girls , aged between 3 and 7 developed fever and runny nose symptoms from january 28 to 30 . the children are staying in the developmental disabilities unit located on the fourth floor of cmc 據報明愛醫院四樓兒童發展復康部有一名男童及兩名女童,年齡三至七歲,于一月二十八日至三十日期間出現發燒及流鼻水徵狀。

Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness boosting immune function and subjective as in happy people being less troubled by a scratchy throat or runny nose 研究人員認為,這可以從客觀和主觀兩方面來解釋,從客觀上說,快樂的情緒可以增強人體的免疫力;從主觀上說,快樂的人對于嗓子疼、流鼻涕等感冒癥狀沒那么敏感。

As at today , a total of 9 children ( 5 males and 4 females aged from 3 to 15 ) were found to have fever , runny nose and cough symptoms between january 19 and 30 . all of them are in stable condition 至今共有9名兒童( 5男4女,年齡3至15歲) ,于1月1 9日至3 0日期間出現發燒、流鼻水及咳嗽徵狀,全部情況穩定。

Once the meconium is cleared , the breastfed babies will have yellowish stools which are soft and even slightly runny in consistency . they will have frequent bowel movements , sometimes after every feeding 稍后,吃人奶的寶寶大便較稀爛,呈黃色,大便的次數也會較多,有可能每次吃完奶都有大便。

The virus mainly spreads by respiratory droplets . the disease is characterised by fever , sore throat , cough , headache , muscle aches , runny nose and general tiredness 病毒主要透過呼吸道飛沫傳播,患者會出現發燒喉嚨痛咳嗽頭痛肌肉疼痛流鼻水及全身疲倦等徵狀,一般會在二至七天內自行痊愈。

However , members of the public should remain vigilant , the spokesman said , adding that influenza is characterized by fever , headache , muscle ache , runny nose as well as cough and sore throat 不過,發言人說,市民仍需保持警覺,流感的病徵包括發燒、頭痛、肌肉痛、流鼻水、咳嗽及喉嚨痛。

“ if the prince felt that number five was too runny , he could knock the top off number six or seven , “ paxman told saturday ' s guardian , which is to serialise the book next week 帕克斯曼在上周六出版的衛報上指出: “如果查爾斯覺得第5個雞蛋煮得還是生了點兒,他將繼續敲開第6個或是第7個。 ”

The hypoallergenic felines are now on sale in america and will appeal to people who would normally develop red eyes , sneezing runny noses and breathing difficulties when around cats 現在這種低致敏性的貓已經在美國上市,將吸引那些一走近貓咪就出現紅眼,打噴嚏流鼻涕以及呼吸困難癥狀的人。

Incubation period is generally between one to three days . patients usually present with fever , headache , muscle ache , blocked or runny nose , sore - throat , cough and tiredness , etc 潛伏期一般是一至三天。病徵包括:發燒、頭痛、肌肉疼痛、鼻塞、流鼻水、喉嚨痛、咳嗽及身體疲倦等。

However , members of the public should remain vigilant , the spokesman said , adding that influenza is characterized by fever , headache , muscle ache , runny nose as well as cough and sore throat 不過,發言人說,市民仍需保持警覺,流感的病徵包括發燒頭痛肌肉痛流鼻水咳嗽及喉嚨痛。

Influenza is an acute illness of the respiratory tract , characterized by fever , headache , muscle ache , runny nose , cough and sore throat . it is generally a mild illness 流感是呼吸道的急性疾病,癥狀包括發燒、頭痛、肌肉疼痛、流鼻水、咳嗽及喉嚨痛,通常病情較輕微。

It ' s winter and as you have probably noticed , germs are everywhere ? runny noses , sore throats , nothing quite like the common cold to make you feel miserable 你可能已經注意到:冬季一到,病菌無孔不入、無處不在? ?流鼻涕、嗓子疼… …沒有什么比普通感冒更讓人難受。

Influenza is an acute illness of the respiratory tract , characterized by fever , headache , muscle ache , runny nose , cough and sore throat . it is generally a mild illness 流感是呼吸道的急性疾病,癥狀包括發燒頭痛肌肉疼痛流鼻水咳嗽及喉嚨痛,通常病情較輕微。

It is also known as “ whooping cough “ . the infected person may initially have non - specific symptoms like runny nose , sneezing , low - grade fever and mild cough 百日咳又名雞咳,患者初時可能沒有特別病徵,只會流鼻水打噴嚏輕微發燒和咳嗽。

Staff with respiratory symptoms , for example cough and runny nose should wear a mask and seek medical treatment . they should stay away from work 員工如有呼吸道感染的癥狀(如咳嗽、流鼻水等) ,應戴上口罩,立刻就醫,并停止工作。

Influenza is a viral infection characterised by the abrupt onset of fever , sore throat , cough , headache , muscle aches , runny nose , and general tiredness 病徵包括發燒、喉嚨痛、咳嗽、頭痛、肌肉酸痛、流鼻水、身體疲倦等。

Influenza is an acute illness of the respiratory tract , characterized by fever , headache , muscle ache , runny nose , cough and sore throat 病徵流感是呼吸道的急性疾病,徵狀包括發燒頭痛肌肉疼痛流鼻水咳嗽及喉嚨痛。

Influenza is an acute illness of the respiratory tract , characterised by fever , headache , muscle ache , runny nose , cough and sore throat 流感是呼吸道的急性疾病,癥狀包括發燒頭痛肌肉疼痛流鼻水咳嗽及喉嚨痛。