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running hand 草書。

running head

From all parts of the world to run hand keep the same with valiant fighter ' s goal here , strive for the whole marathon , half marathon and 10 champion throne of long - distance running with strength 來自世界各地的跑手與本地健兒目標一致,以實力爭取全馬拉松、半馬拉松及10公里長跑的冠軍寶座。

As a boy growing up listening to my dad , in many of his speeches he talked a lot about both individual freedom and economic freedom , and how they run hand in hand 昨晚(香港安利30周年直銷商年會)聽見部份兩代直銷商在臺上的講話,令我回想起溫安洛和狄維士兩大家族,家父于10年前的9月退休。

The earthwatch institute , an environmental organization , runs hands - on programs , teaming tourists with research scientists studying animals and the environment 環保機構地球觀察研究院經營可以親自參與的項目,他們將觀光客和研究動物和環境的科學家組成一隊。

Skill comes from practice , perserve can write slowly fast . still have do not keep running hand , the exam buckles cent easily 熟能生巧,持之以恒會慢慢寫的快的。還有不要寫行書,考試輕易扣分。

It was unmistakably a symptom that something of his old passion for her had been revived ; duty and desire ran hand - in - hand 毫無疑問,那是他對她舊情復燃的一種征兆責任和欲望結合在一起了。

Procedures drawn a running hand , scribbles , wang wrote , transmutation of hui zong , such as sushi to 10 species of style 程序預設了行書、草書、王羲之、懷素、徽宗、蘇軾等十來種風格。

“ in a handsome , running hand . “一手很漂亮流利的字。 ”