rumour n.謠言,傳聞,流言。 R- has it that [...
n. 謠言,傳聞,流言。 R- has it that [says that].... 據謠傳…。 the author of the rumour 造謠者。 The rumour ran that .... 謠傳…。 start a rumour 造謠。 spike a rumour 辟謠。 vt. 〔常用被動語態〕謠傳。 It is rumoured that .... 謠傳…,聽說…。 “a sensational rumour“ 中文翻譯: 聳人耳目的謠言“fabricate a rumour“ 中文翻譯: 捏造謠言“idle rumour“ 中文翻譯: 毫無根據的謠言“malicious rumour“ 中文翻譯: 惡意的謠言“rumour has it“ 中文翻譯: 傳聞“run a rumour“ 中文翻譯: 追查謠言“ugly rumour“ 中文翻譯: 可怕的謠言, 不堪入耳的謠言“a rumour that is current in the city“ 中文翻譯: 在城里廣為傳播的謠言“check a rumour diffusion“ 中文翻譯: 制止謠言擴散“give a quietus to a rumour“ 中文翻譯: 杜絕謠言“give the lie to a rumour“ 中文翻譯: 戳穿謠言“rumour ‘bout a revolution“ 中文翻譯: 洗心革面“the rumour has no foundation“ 中文翻譯: 這傳聞毫無根據“the rumour raised a storm of conjecture“ 中文翻譯: 這謠言引起了一陣猜測“trace a rumour to its source“ 中文翻譯: 追查謠言來源“how could you believe such a rumour“ 中文翻譯: 你居然相信這種謠言“rumors run deep“ 中文翻譯: 女人國的污染報告“rumors“ 中文翻譯: 謠言“rumourmonger“ 中文翻譯: n. 傳布謠言者,造謠者,謠言販子。 n. -ing 造謠。 “rumorous“ 中文翻譯: 傳說的“rumours about osho“ 中文翻譯: 關于奧修的謠傳“rumoro“ 中文翻譯: 魯莫羅“rumours and slanders“ 中文翻譯: 流言飛語“rumormongering“ 中文翻譯: 造謠
rumourmonger |
There are a lot of rumours on the topic right now 關于這個,現在已經流言滿天飛了。 |
The rumours of an attack were later confirmed 發動攻擊的謠傳來得到了證實 |
The rumours of an attack were later confirmed 發動攻擊的謠傳后來得到了證實 |
Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours 她失蹤一事引起了各種流言蜚語 |
His agency immediately reacted to these rumours 所屬公司聞聽此事,急忙出面辟謠。 |
Lt ' s important he know you ' re more than a rumour 讓他知道你不是我憑空捏造的 |
The rumour is that he and stacie were once involved 傳言他和斯泰西曾一度交往過。 |
There is a rumour afloat that you are thinking of peace 有傳聞說,您要求和。 |
27 of course the court favours the humorous rumour 宮廷當然偏愛這個幽默的謠言。 |
You shouldn ' t listen to rumour . you can depend on me 不要聽信謠言,你要相信我。 |
Rumour runs riot, and is fed by carefully balanced and guarded statements, such as that made by stimson reported in today's papers . 現在已經謠言四起,而今天報上刊載的史汀生發表的那種四平八穩、小心謹慎的談話,更是推波助瀾。 |
Although it had such an insignificant beginning, the rumour had grown and increased in detail and importance day by day . 盡管謠言的起因是如此不足為憑,但東傳西傳便漸漸加油添醋,增加了重要的內容。 |
Rumours had already got abroad that the little girl who used to show the wax-work, was the child of great people . 謠言已經傳出,說是那個曾在蠟像展覽擔任說明的小姑娘乃是一位大人物的孩子。 |
Of all those whom this strange rumour about bosinney and mrs. soames reached, james was most affected . 波辛尼和索米斯太太這段怪話傳到許多人的耳朵里時,最最動心的要算詹姆士了。 |
It was rumoured that he had been seen brawling with foreign sailors in a low den in the distant parts of whitechapel . 謠傳人家看見他在懷特契普區一個下流處跟外國水手吵架。 |
Perhaps inevitably, rumours about the institute's research leaked out and reached the press . 關于研究所的種種傳說走露了出去,傳到了新聞界,這可能也是不可避免的。 |
All the rumours would be blown away by publication of the clear-cut decisions to which we have come . 只是我們作出的明確決定公布出來,一切謠傳自會煙消云散。 |
If there's one word of truth in the rumour you're spreading, a shadow lies over england . 在你傳的謠言中要是有一句真實的話,就會使整個英國籠罩上一層陰影。 |
When the rumour spread that the general office was about to take definite action in the affair . 人們紛紛傳說總辦事處就要對這事采取明確的措施了。 |