
rumba n.1.(古巴的)倫巴舞〔交際舞的一種〕。2.倫巴舞曲。...


Latin fantasia - parade of samba and latin dances , the renowned from rio with samba and love and latin dance world champions anastasija novozilova and misa cigoj will perform what they know the best : tango , rumba , cha cha , mambo , paos and salsa . pablo inza and moira castellano from argentina will also be demonstrating the authentic argentinian tango 此外,世界標準舞拉丁舞十項全能冠軍安納斯他斯亞努伏茲洛娃及米薩高將演出一系列拉丁舞,包括探戈倫巴喳喳曼波斗牛舞及薩爾薩等而來自阿根廷的巴勃羅因薩及莫依拉卡斯泰爾蘭努則會表演最正統的阿根廷探戈。

Taking its place as the hot new “ street dance , “ prompting cries of “ sin , “ was the rumba - which has since earned its own badge of respectability 一種新的“邪惡”的“街舞”重蹈探戈的覆轍,重新引起了人們指責和謾罵,它就是倫巴(現在它也在標準舞中有了一席之地) 。

For our various actuators , we invite professional dancers and company staff to jointly give dances of tango , samba , rumba and twist 在tango和rumba的表演中,兩隊吉博力員工出彩的表演讓所有來賓都驚訝不已,掌聲歡呼聲此起彼伏

Same as the former one , there are also 5 different kinds of latin dances : samba , cha - cha - cha , rumba , paso doble and jive 拉丁舞亦包括五種不同的舞蹈,森巴舞、查查查、倫巴舞、斗牛舞和牛仔舞。

Oh , i ' m sorry . i ' ve already promised someone . i would partner them because it ' s a rumba 噢,對不起。我已經答應別人了。我要去做他們的舞伴,因為是跳倫巴。

I like the old styles of dance , such as fox - trot , waltz , rumba , tango and so on 我喜歡老式舞,如快狐步、華爾茲舞、倫巴、探戈等等。

Cha cha cha , rumba , samba 恰恰倫巴森巴

Let ' s start with a rumba , 我們先來跳倫巴

Let ' s start with a rumba 我們先來跳倫巴

It is not . it ' s a rumba 不是慢舞,是倫巴

Take a rumba from one to ten 打著拍子自己跳吧

Everybody get ready for the rumba 讓我們來欣賞桑巴

It ' s the rumba , it ' s the dance of love , 是倫巴,愛之舞

It ' s the rumba . it ' s the dance of love 是倫巴,愛之舞

Yes , of course . now , was that a rumba or a samba you were doing 噢,對了,你們剛才跳的是倫巴還是桑巴?

A dance of latin american origin , resembling the rumba 曼波舞一種源于拉丁美洲的舞蹈,類似于倫巴舞

The rumba is a latin - american dance 倫巴舞是拉丁美洲的舞蹈

I ' ve been told i rumba like a rubber ball 我被告知倫巴就象是皮球

Do you rumba ? - why , yes . of course i do -要跳倫巴么? -太好了,當然了