
rumania n.,adj.羅馬尼亞(人)(的),羅馬尼亞語(的)。


National is the world , song and dance troupe face the world , since it formed , has been went to russia , mongolia , tanzania , burundi , seychelles , japan , finland , sweden , american , france , poland , czech republic , germany , hungary , bulgaria , rumania , malaysia hong kong etc , has been welcome by the countries and areas , make great contribution to the friendship of all the world around , to propagate china and inner mongolia 布隆迪、塞舌爾、日本、芬蘭、瑞典、美國、法國、波蘭、捷克、德國、匈牙利、保加利亞、羅馬尼亞、馬來西亞、香港等國家和地區,受到所到國家和地區人民的熱烈歡迎,為增進中國人民與世界各國人民的友誼、為宣傳改革開放的中國和內蒙古做出了巨大的貢獻。

In 1943 , american b - 24 bombers launch a dangerous raid deep into the heart of rumania to destroy a refinery , which supplies the german war machine with one third of its oil 美軍b - 24轟炸機深入羅馬尼亞,負責破壞供應德軍石油的煉油廠。任務極度困難,美軍傷亡慘重.

Applying the ameliorated rumania selection method to the picking up and transport program of out - of - gauge goods wagons 改進的羅馬尼亞選擇法在鐵路超限貨車掛運方案中的應用

He was built by rumania in 1937 . smr had two 2 - 10 - 0 class locomotives and they called dk1 and dk2 1949年以前南滿洲鐵道也有這種車軸排列的蒸汽機車,形式是dk1型和dk2型。

After rumania joined the axis in november 1940, he had been interned and eventually transferred through a neutral port to the united states . 他在1940年11月羅馬尼亞加入軸心時被拘留,后由一中立港口返回美國。

Rumania has suddenly changed sides, and declared war on germany . 羅馬尼亞突然倒戈,對德國宣戰。