
rum n.朗姆酒,甘蔗酒;〔美俚〕酒。 a rum hound...

rum row

He smelt very strongly of rum 他身上發散著濃重的甜酒氣味。

He has knocked back two double rums 他喝掉了兩杯雙料朗姆酒。

But upon my body , it is a rum life for a married couple 我敢發誓,一對夫婦這樣生活真是太別扭了!

You - ho - ho , and a bottle of rum 喲嗬嗬,再來郎姆酒一大瓶!

He poured them each a tot of rum 他給他們每人倒了點兒朗姆酒。

Let s have a go of the rum . dick , said silver , i trust you “狄克, ”西爾弗說, “我信得過你。

Jack sparrow : and that was without a single drop of rum 杰克?斯派洛:這里一滴朗姆酒都沒有了!

You spent three days lying on a beach , drinking rum ? 整整三天的時間,你都躺在海灘上喝朗姆酒

The batsman was caught out in the first rum 擊球手在打第一分時就因擊出的球被空中截住而出局。

He had a glass of milk which laced with rum 他喝了一杯摻酒的奶。

An alcoholic liquor , especially rum diluted with water 格洛格酒一種酒,尤指用水稀釋的朗姆酒

Mr stokes helped himself to more rum 斯托克斯先生又給自己添了酒。

Guest : no , thanks . have you got rum 不用了,謝謝。你們這有朗姆酒嗎?

We ' ve got the rum bottle from cocktail 已經有了《雞尾酒》中的朗姆酒瓶

I told greg to give him some rum to ease the pain 我讓格雷格給他一點朗姆酒緩解他的痛苦

Barring rum , his match were never seen 除了好酗酒外,沒誰能與之匹敵。

His hands are stuck to the bottle of rum 好像他的手被粘到朗姆酒瓶上了

Rum is an alcoholic drink distilled from sugar - cane juice 郎姆酒是用甘蔗汁蒸餾制成的。

Whisky , brandy , gin and rum are all spirits 威士忌、白蘭地、杜松子酒、朗姆酒都是烈酒