
ruler n.1.統治者,支配者。2.尺,畫線板。

ruler ship

The imprecision of the ruler gave him a lot of trouble 尺子的不精確給他帶來了很多麻煩。

The carpenter ran his ruler over the shed and sized it up at once 木匠量了一下棚屋的尺寸

Rulers allow accurate alignment of publication elements 標尺用于精確對齊出版物元素。

Whose rulers are those ? they ' re nancy ' s 那些是誰的尺子?它們是南希的。

Drawing ruler - reduction flat ruler and triangle scale 繪圖儀尺.比例尺

He reminded me not to forget to bring my ruler 他提醒我別忘了帶尺子。

Please line your paper with a pencil and ruler 請用鉛筆和尺在紙上畫線。

He was a ruler enthroned in the hearts of his subjects 他是個為臣民所衷心愛戴的君主。

Can you lend your ruler to me ? yes , i can 你能把你的尺子借給我嗎?可以

I have three rulers , a short one and two long ones 我有三把尺子,一把短的,兩把長的。

It ' s my pen . it ' s your book . it ' s her ruler 它是我的鋼筆。它是你的書。它是她的尺子。

“ by me kings reign , and rulers decree justice 箴8 : 15帝王藉我坐國位君王藉我定公平。

There is a pen , two rulers , three books on the desk 書桌上有一支鋼筆,兩把尺,三本書。

Teacher : please listen to me , everyone . who has a ruler 老師:大家聽我說。誰有尺子?

Rules for the inspection of leveling rulers for export 出口水平尺檢驗規程

Iron - manganese alloy 4j59 for non - magnetic ruler 無磁磁尺基體用鐵錳合金4j59

Thanks , but no thanks . i brought my own ruler 謝謝,不用了。我自己有帶尺。

He is measuring the length of the wood with a ruler 他正在用尺子量這根木頭的長度。

Dubai and its rulers are not alone 持此種態度的并非只有迪拜及其管理者而已。