
rule n.1.規則,規定;法則,定律;章程,規章;標準;(教會...

rule driller

I can rule on the admissibility of aliens . 我對外國人能否被批準入境有裁決權。

Bad weather ruled the picnic out for that day ... 天氣不好使那天的野餐告吹了。

I can rupture a rule for a friend . 我可以為朋友破一次例。

He had no son to rule his kingdom after him . 他沒有兒子來繼承他統治他的王國。

The teacher summed up the lesson in three rules . 老師把這一課總結為三條規律。

This rule has been superseded since 1925 . 自1925年以來,此項原則已退居次位。

I 'll do that , but only if we set a few rules . 我會做,但我們得定幾條規矩。

The case is not amenable to ordinary rules . 這情形不是按普通規則所能處理的。

Wealthy landowners are therefore as a rule exempted . 有錢的地主一般都免稅。

Rule called himself a man of pleasure . 魯爾自稱是個浪蕩子。

Do not allow yourself to be ruled by emotion . 不要感情用事。

The rule does not reach the case . 這條規則不適用于那種情況。

He bore the unwritten rule in mind . 他牢記那條不成文的規矩。

The rules of evidence were rudimentary . 證據之規則尚不完善。

This faith rules our whole way of life . 這個信念主宰著我們的整個生活方式。

There is no rule but has exceptions . 沒有無例外的規律,任何規律都有例外。

We cannot rule out that possibility . 我們不能排除那種可能性。

Pamela and rule downed one drink and left . 帕米拉和魯爾喝了一杯酒便走了。

The court ruled the action to be illegal . 法庭判定該行為非法。