
ruin n.1.毀滅,滅亡;瓦解,崩潰;沒落,破產,敗落;(女人...


I have ruined everything . 我把一切都弄糟了。

One is ruined by attempting greatness to which he has no claim . 妄自尊大的人必將自取滅亡。

You are ruining that child . 你把孩子寵壞了。

The building is now a ruin . 這樓已破敗不堪。

His pride and choleric temper were to ruin him . 他生性高傲自恃而又易于發怒,這會毀了他的。

Bertha dorset ruined herself by an open falsehood . 白莎多森用公開的謊言毀了自己的一生。

Women have been my ruin . 女人一直是我的禍根。

The abbey is now a ruin . 那修道院現已成廢墟。

The storm ruined the crops . 暴風雨毀壞了莊稼。

Constant indulgence in bad habits brought about his ruin . 經常沉溺于惡習導致了他的毀滅。

In a word, he was ruined . 總而言之,他垮臺了。

He was ruining his health . 他在毀壞自己的健康。

The nation is ruining itself physically and morally . 該民族正從肉體上和精神上毀滅自己。

War begets misery and ruin . 戰爭引起苦難與毀滅。

I cannot conceive of such a thing as genoa in ruins . 我想象不出熱那亞變成廢墟的事情。

He'd ruined his constitution by drink and dissipation . 他喝酒作樂早已經把身體搞垮了。

The house lapsed into ruin . 那房屋塌陷成一堆廢墟。

The park wore an aspect of utter dreariness and ruin . 園地上好久沒人收拾,一片荒涼。

Wardour is gothic ruins . 洼都堡是哥特式的古代建筑。