
ruhr n.1.魯爾〔德國一地區〕。2.〔the Ruhr〕魯爾...


The production and management situation of the top 10 coal enterprises of the world have been also introduced and analysis in this paper , especially detailed in one of the world largest coal industry group , ruhr group ( germany ) , and its industrial structure and diversified management strategies , from which this paper sums up the advantages and experiences of this overseas coal group 論文對國外十大煤炭企業的生產經營情況進行了介紹分析,特別詳細介紹了世界上最大的煤炭工業集團之一德國魯爾集團的產業結構和多元化經營戰略,由此總結出了國外煤炭企業的優勢與經驗。

Abstract : both in the industrial society when it had seen a great prosperity of traditional industry , and in the post - industrial society when it managed to go through the difficulties of industrial restructuring , the ruhr area is always a highlight all over the world because of its successful regional development and remarkable regional identity 摘要:無論在工業社會背景下的傳統工業繁榮時期,還是在后工業社會背景下的工業結構轉型時期,魯爾區都因其成功的區域發展和獨特的區域特性而引起世人的廣泛關注。

Based on the analysis on the influences of natural environment , resources conditions , historic evolution and administrative system on the regional development of ruhr , the paper tries to summarize the factors that are indispensable to the formation and the transformation of its regional identity 文章分析了魯爾區的自然環境、資源條件、歷史沿革、行政制度等因素對其區域發展的影響,力圖揭示造就魯爾區獨特區域特性的可能原因。

They have shared the same hulking blast furnace , dismantled and shipped piece by piece from germany ' s old industrial heartland to hebei province , china ' s new ruhr valley 它們使用同樣簡陋的熔爐,這些設備被拆開來再分成小塊從德國的老工業中心轉移到河北省,中國的新魯爾山谷。

The 3 . panzergrenadier - division was in action defending near cologne when it was trapped by the allies in the ruhr pocket where it surrendered in april , 1945 第3裝甲擲彈兵在科隆附近進行抵抗的時候陷入的盟軍的魯爾包圍圈,最后它于1945年4月投降。

A grant that made possible a studio at kettwig an der ruhr also allowed her to establish contact with such internationally known german sculptors as 市頒發的一個獎學金,居住在該市提供的藝術室。在這段期間,她認識了德國當時例如是

Venti oelde , founded in 1930 , is a medium - sized company with about 250 employees , located in oelde to the northeast of the ruhr area 歐德通風成立于1930年,是一家有著250名員工的中型公司,坐落在德國魯爾區東北部的厄爾德市。

Those two methods are positive for ruhr renaissance and development , and helpful to form new identities of this area 這兩個理念對魯爾地區城鎮空間的復興和發展起到了積極的作用,并逐漸形成該地區新的特征。

But on a warm , bright afternoon in june 2004 , horde was clearly no longer the pounding heart of the ruhr 2004年6月,一個溫暖明媚的下午,赫爾德區看上去安寧、平靜,顯然已不再是魯爾地區跳動的心臟了。

Half a world away , neighbors of thyssenkrupp ' s former steel mill in the ruhr valley of germany once had a similar problem 在地球的另一端,德國蒂森克虜伯老鋼鐵廠附近的居民,也曾遇到過類似的問題。

Abstract : ruhr is one of the biggest and oldest industry areas in europe , and is also one of the densest areas in germany 摘要:魯爾區是歐洲最大最老的工業區之一,也是德國人口最稠密的地區之一。

Dortmund entered the 20th century as the largest and most important industrial city in the ruhr area 多特蒙德作為魯爾區最大、最重要的工業城市邁進了20世紀。

The transformation of regional industry in the ruhr region in germany and its enligtenments for china 從德國魯爾工業區的經驗看東北老工業區的改革

Industrial tourism development in shanxi province learning experiences from ruhr region germany 魯爾區的經驗對山西工業旅游發展的啟示

The way and method for spatial development are worth referring for us in ruhr 該地區在空間發展方面所采取的措施和理念值得我們借鑒。

Conservation and rehabilitation of industrial heritage in ruhr , germany 德國工業旅游面面觀一

The ruhr gets a different kind of subsidy 而魯爾的市民獲得的則是完全不同形式的補貼。