
rugged adj.(superl. ruggedest)1.毛蓬松...


Rugged rocks and rascal pirates 懷古之旅:尋找石刻與海盜遺跡

The mountain path is narrow and rugged 狹隘的山路崎嶇不平。

Rugged right right collisions introduction 崎嶇對對碰游戲攻略

But these were rugged 3 ) and bare 但這些山卻是崎嶇而光禿的。

The path to glory is always rugged 通向光榮的道路總是崎嶇不平。

The path to glory is always rugged 通向光榮的道路常常是崎嶇的。

You need a fairly rugged vehicle for crossing the desert 你需要一輛非常強健的汽車去越過沙漠。

You need a fairly rugged vehicle to cross the desert 你需要有一輛相當堅固耐用的車子穿越沙漠。

Rugged construction for heavy duty 在重負下不受影響的牢固構造。

Mighty rugged country hereabouts . - yeah -附近的地勢太復雜了-對

Rugged environment is working well 可以工作在不佳環境下正常運作。

Rugged platform has necessary height to -防滑平臺提供足夠之高度進行

The path to glory is always rugged 通向光榮的道路常常是坎坷不平的。

The terrain may be too steep or the trails too rugged 地形也許過于陡峭或者路程過于起伏。

They walk on the rugged country road 他們在崎嶇不平的鄉村小路上走著。

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Lightweight , portable and rugged construction at 便,便攜式的和結實的結構,重量只有

Lightweight , portable and rugged construction at 12 kg ,便攜式和堅固性建筑在

He asked , hesitating to say anything more rugged 他問道,不敢說出更刺耳的話來。