
rufus n.魯弗斯〔男子名〕。


Compared with the 5 . 8s complete sequence of the snail arion rufus , its1 and its2 regions were recognized and combined for analysis . from sequence observation , it showed that the zhejiang sample has more inserted sites and fragments while the sequences of other three are nearly all the same . the average g % + c % of the four individuals was 46 . 8 % while the zhejiang sample ' s was 48 . 3 % and the other three ' s were all about 46 . 2 % ; ts / tv and genetic distance mainly lies between the zhejiang sample and the other three individuals , which were 0 . 8 and 0 . 07 respectively 用于比較的序列長約350bp ,觀測一級結構,加拿大、墨西哥灣扇貝和美國二代個體的its1和its2序列幾乎完全相同,而浙江個體則具有較多的插入位點與片段; 4個個體平均g + c含量46 . 8 % ,其中浙江個體為48 . 3 % ,其它3個個體均為46 . 2 %左右;轉換顛換比與遺傳距離主要存在于浙江個體與其它3個個體之間,分別為0 . 8和0 . 07左右;以櫛孔扇貝作外群構建的分子系統樹表明:浙江群體已產生了一定的分化。

“ was there any reason for you to dislike rufus jaeger ? “ the question was meant to provoke , but lister was impressed with the relaxed manner in which fenton baumgarden reacted 原譯者不知為何到這里就停了,我來譯一下,請各位高手指教了。為了防止我在翻譯上的問題造成大家的困擾,我這里就對照著貼了。

Both gary rowett and richard rufus are also currently out of action and some way from a first team return , although rowett has featured for the reserves several times in recent weeks 羅維特和魯福斯兩名球員現在也剛調回一隊根本不在狀態,盡管羅維特在近幾周代表查爾頓預備隊比賽表現極為耀眼。

Mk . 15 : 21 and they compelled a certain passerby coming from the country , simon a cyrenian , the father of alexander and rufus , to take up his cross 可十五21有一個古利奈人西門,就是亞力山大和魯孚的父親,從鄉下來,經過那里,他們就強迫他背耶穌的十字架。

They pressed into service a passer - by coming from the country , simon of cyrene ( the father of alexander and rufus ) , to bear his cross 可15 : 21有一個古利奈人西門、就是亞力山大和魯孚的父親、從鄉下來、經過那地方、他們就勉強他同去、好背著耶穌的十字架。

[ kjv ] and they compel one simon a cyrenian , who passed by , coming out of the country , the father of alexander and rufus , to bear his cross 有一個古利奈人西門、就是亞力山大和魯孚的父親、從鄉下來、經過那地方、他們就勉強他同去、好背著耶穌的十字架。

The authorship of the ordinance is a matter of controversy , but it seems probable that rufus king and nathan dane were its principal authors 關于誰是此法令的草擬者頗多爭論,但魯弗斯?金與內森?戴恩可能是主要執筆人。

Rufus started his career as a brawler , living off the power of his fists and the money he won betting on himself 魯弗斯以打手作為其職業生涯的開端,靠拳頭的實力和他在自己身上下的注混口飯吃。

A wild cat ( lynx rufus ) of north america , having spotted reddish - brown fur , tufted ears , and a short tail 紅貓,北美大山貓北美洲野貓(北美大山貓) ,皮毛有紅褐色斑點,有簇生眼,尾短

[ niv ] greet rufus , chosen in the lord , and his mother , who has been a mother to me , too 13 [和合]又問在主蒙揀7選的8魯孚和他母親安,他的母親就是我的母親。

Greet rufus , chosen in the lord , and his mother , who has been a mother to me , too 13又問在主蒙揀選的魯孚和他母親安。他的母親就是我的母親。

Rufus sure do 如弗斯就是說嘛

William rufus day 威廉魯福斯戴

Greet rufus , a choice man in the lord , also his mother and mine 羅16 : 13又問在主蒙揀選的魯孚和他母親安他的母親就是我的母親。

[ kjv ] salute rufus chosen in the lord , and his mother and mine 問候在主里蒙揀選的魯孚和他的母親;她也是我在主里的母親。

Ooh , i thought she - i thought she was boarding rufus for another month 啊,我還以為. . .以為她還要把魯夫斯寄養一個月呢

I just . walk . rufus 我只是.遛遛魯夫斯

William rufus de vane king 威廉魯福斯金

This year ' s “ best is show ” was “ rufus ” , a bull terrier 今年“狗狗秀”的得勝者是一只名叫“盧夫斯”的牛頭梗狗。