
rufous adj.赤褐色的。


This survey also discovered 3 white pelicans , about 10 , 000wild geese and ducks include green - winged teal , eurasian wigeon , spotbill duck and mallard ; and also 5 , 000 plovers and curlews like eurasian curlew , dunlin , rufous - necked sandpiper , kentish plover and black - bellied plover ! con the other hands , a flock of about 1 , 000 swan geese anas cygnoides was discovered in wenling town at minjiang estuary on 8 january 2003 是次調查還發現3頭白鵜鶘,綠翅鴨赤頸鴨斑嘴鴨綠頭鴨等雁鴨類約1萬頭;白腰杓鷸黑腹濱鷸紅胸濱鷸環頸灰斑

The tiny rufous hummingbird is able to recall where and when it last dined on the sweet nectar of flowers , according to new research , proving bird brains are smarter than first thought 一項新的研究顯示,小小的棕煌蜂鳥能夠回憶起自己上一次在何時何地進食甜蜜的花蕊,從而證明鳥的大腦比人們最初想像的還要聰明。

The shining seven w . b . calls them . glittereyed , his rufous skull close to his greencapped desklamp sought the face , bearded amid darkgreener shadow , an ollav , holyeyed 他目光炯炯,將長著赤褐色頭發的腦袋挨近綠燈罩的臺燈,在暗綠的陰影下,尋覓著胡子拉碴的臉長著圣者的眼睛的奧拉夫般的臉。