
rue n.〔古語〕悲嘆;悔恨;后悔。vt.,vi.悲嘆;后悔,...


You may commit in a moment what you may rue for years - - what life cannot cancel 一失足成千古恨- -永生永世也抹不掉。

< i > ca vous arrive me deposer au passage dix rue des petits ecuries ? < / i > (法語)您能把我帶到馬場附近的十號路嗎?

From bar mathieu in the rue obscure 去取那封信

I went to the rue d antin 我就到昂坦街去打聽。

In a quarter of an hour he was entering the house in the rue du helder 一刻鐘后,他回到了海爾達路的那座大夏。

“ no . 27 , rue du helder . “海爾達路二十七號。 ”

Without saying a word he turned down the rue rougemont with her 他一句話也沒說,帶她轉過彎子,到了盧日蒙街。

And two hours later , i was in my apartment in the rue de provence 果然,兩小時以后,我已經到了普羅旺斯街。

Let me go , i ll make her rue 放開我,我要讓她悔恨!

“ i must refer again to the club in the rue saint - jacques . “我得再回到圣杰克司街那個俱樂部的話題上去。 ”

Relax . they ' re safe at rue l ' or 放心,他們在魯洛很安全

“ to the residence of baron danglars , rue de la chauss e d antin . “到安頓大馬路騰格拉爾男爵府上去。 ”

So you live in the rue d antin “那么您也住在昂坦街? ”

[ isabelle and theo ] dans la rue ! dans la rue ! dans la rue ! dans la rue 上街去!上街去!上街去!上街去

In a very few minutes the count reached no . 7 in the rue meslay 幾分鐘之后,伯爵便到了密斯雷路七號。

She ' ll rue the day she married him 她同他結婚將遺恨終生。

Matthew lives in a nasty student hotel . rue malebranche 馬修住在一個惡心的學生旅店.馬爾布蘭克大街

I rue never having been to university 我后悔從未上過大學。

At easter let your clothes be new , or else be sure you will it rue 復活節不穿新衣裳,日后不免要懊喪