
rudy n.魯迪〔男子名, Rudolph 的昵稱〕。


Rudy . i find them . - knocking -魯迪,我找到他們了

I ' m rudy mackenzie . weicome 我叫魯迪麥肯濟,歡迎

No , rudy , they ' re not here 不,魯迪,她們不在這兒

He said , neutrally , “ come in , rudy . you ' re a little late . 他不露傾向地說: “進來,魯迪,你來晚了一會兒。 ”

The freedom to smoke : tobacco consumption and identity jarrett rudy 公民身分derek heater著;張慧芝,郭進成譯

Rudy tibor ! mama ' s pizza 梯伯!我在“媽媽匹薩” !

[ rudy ] tibor , what are you doi ng ? are they there , or what 梯伯,你在做什么?她們在那兒,或是有別的事兒

[ tibor ] no . no . yes . rudy , i tellyou . @ you charm the husk right offofthe corn 不,不,是的魯迪,我告訴你

Frank i didn ' t take anything , rudy 我什么也沒拿,魯迪

Rudy baylor : objection . your honor , he ' s leading the witness 魯迪?貝勒:反對,法官大人,他在引導證人。

I am sorry i will not be able to see you this evening , mr . rudy 魯迪先生,很遺憾,今天晚上不能去看你。

[ rudy ] tibor ! mama ' s pizza 梯伯!我在“媽媽匹薩” !

Uh , rudy , no , not yet . come on 哦,魯迪,還沒有好啊!

How come fat albert and rudy have girls , and i just have you 為什么他們兩個有女孩子陪-而我卻要陪你

[ frank ] i didn ' t take anything , rudy 我什么也沒拿,魯迪

Hey , frank . rudy ' s looking foryou 嗨,弗蘭克,魯迪在找你

Give us a hand . hey , rudy , come on 幫個忙嘿, rudy ,快來

Rudy tibor , what are you doi ng ? are they there , or what 梯伯,你在做什么?她們在那兒,或是有別的事兒

There ' s no way that that russian or rudy guy saw it . mr . rudy 那個叫魯迪的俄國佬不會看見的魯迪先生