
rudolph n.魯道夫〔男子名〕。


Rudolph played club dates at dances and axel had advanced him the money for a tuxedo, thirty-five dollars, an unheard-of outpouring . 魯道夫在俱樂部舉辦舞會的日子參加演奏,阿克賽爾給他一筆錢做夜禮服一共三十五元,象這樣慷慨解囊是從來不曾聽說過的。

His father was german, rudolph told miss lenaut, but aside from an occasional word in that language, all rudolph ever heard at home was english . 他父親是德國人、魯道夫曾告訴過勒諾小姐,但是除了偶爾說一個德國字以外,魯道夫在家里聽到的全是英文。

Rudolph jordache (two-twenty low hurdles) went into the locker room and took a shower, although he hadn't run enough to work up a sweat . 魯道夫喬達虛(二分二十秒低欄賽跑運動員)走進更衣室洗了個淋浴,雖說他跑得不多,還沒出汗。

Disgrace was probably too strong a word, rudolph thought, looking around at the neatly clothed, sober parents of his classmates . 魯道夫看著周圍那些同學們的衣冠楚楚、神智清明的家長,心里想“丟臉”這兩個字可能太過分了。

Sammy kessler was hunched in a position of agony over his paper, his eyes flicking desperately over at rudolph . 賽米凱斯勒伏在他的卷子上,一副痛苦不堪的神色,兩只眼睛絕望地瞟著魯道夫。

She became conscious of rudolph looking at her and her face closed down, erasing public sorrow, public love . 她感覺到魯道夫在看她,就把臉耷拉下來,不在公共場所暴露她的悲傷和愛情。

She might have been delicious, boylan's first love, rudolph thought, tasting the profound joys of snobbery . 博伊蘭頭一個情人可能夠味兒,魯道夫想,從他話里聽得出勢利眼的權度快樂。

Rudolph walked slowly back toward the store, leaving his coat open, although the wind was keen and the day raw . 魯道夫慢慢朝商店走去,雖然天氣陰冷,朔風刺骨,他卻讓大衣敝著。

Rudolph leaned forward intently, gloriously battered by the music, his eyes glued on the negro trumpeter . 魯道夫急切地聽著,這音樂叫他大為傾倒,眼睛盯著那吹小號的黑人。

One day rudolph was sailing from one town to another when the northeast sky turned back . 有一天,魯道夫從一個小鎮揚帆前往另一個小鎮時,東北方的天空烏云滿布。

He could hear rudolph breathing steadily, asleep, as he closed the door quietly behind him . 他輕輕地隨手把門帶上,聽得見魯道夫均勻的呼吸聲,睡得正香。

Rudolph looked dazed and his eyes widened when he saw the welt on thomas's cheek . 魯道夫一看見托馬斯臉頰上的傷痕,就露出茫然的神色,兩眼睜得大大的。

She remembered now that rudolph had coaxed him to come back to whitby a few years ago . 她現在仍記著魯道夫曾經勸說他回到威特比,那是幾年前的事了。

Usually, rudolph took a swim too, after practice, but he didn't today, out of respect . 平時訓練完畢,魯道夫還去游泳;但今天沒去,為了向死者致敬。

“i was born here,“ rudolph said lightly, “and the mayor wants to take credit for it. “ “我是生長在這兒的,”魯道夫輕輕說,“市長想以此居功。”

Both rudolph and johnny looked somehow high as though they had already done some drinking . 魯道夫和喬尼看來都有些酒意,好象他們已經喝了幾杯。

Rudolph bought his clothes in town, in port philip, at bernsteins's department store . 魯道夫的衣服是在菲利普港鎮上波恩斯坦的百貨商店買的。

“johnny heath wrote me that he had a wonderful trip with you,“ rudolph said . “喬尼希思來信說,他跟你做了一次極妙的游覽,”魯道夫說。

Instantly, rudolph decided that one day he would live in a room like this . 魯道夫立刻打定主意;他有朝一日也要生活在這樣一間房子里。