
rudolf n.魯道夫〔男子名〕。


Bloom , only born male transubstantial heir of rudolf virag subsequently rudolf bloom of szombathely , vienna , budapest , milan , london and dublin and of ellen higgins , second daughter of julius higgins born karoly and fanny higgins born hegarty ; stephen , eldest surviving male consubstantial heir of simon dedalus of cork and dublin and of mary , daughter of richard and christina goulding born grier 布盧姆是經過松博特海伊74維也納布達佩斯米蘭倫敦而來到都柏林的魯道爾夫維拉格后改名為魯道爾夫布盧姆和艾琳。希金斯之間所生的唯一的男子繼承人,而艾琳是朱利葉斯。

Rudolf walder : there are several points in the concept of this project , which include : products with harmful components shall be banned ; hazardous waste production shall be reduced by using more advanced technology in production and improved operation ; cheap methods for proper treatment shall be adopted such as the hazardous waste incineration in the cement industry or the hw underground storage in salt mines ; hazardous waste landfills must be carefully designed and the materials accepted for discharge must be carefully checked for suitability for disposal in a landfill 魯道夫?瓦爾德:這個項目包括幾點內容:要禁止含有有害成分的產品;應通過使用較先進的生產技術和改進的生產操作減少有害廢棄物的產生;應該采用低廉的妥善處理方式,如在水泥生產行業采用有害廢棄物焚化方法,或是在鹽礦對有害廢棄物進行地下掩埋;有害廢棄物填埋場必須謹慎規劃,放入填埋場的廢棄物必須認真檢查是否適宜在填埋場做處理。

To master percy apjohn at high school in 1880 he had divulged his disbelief in the tenets of the irish protestant church to which his father rudolf virag , later rudolph bloom , had been converted from the israelitic faith and communion in 1865 by the society for promoting christianity among the jews subsequently abjured by him in favour of roman catholicism at the epoch of and with a view to his matrimony in 1888 一八八0年在高中就讀時,他曾向少年珀西阿普約翰吐露自己對愛爾蘭新教教會的教義所持的懷疑。一八六五年,他父親魯道爾夫維拉格后改名魯道爾夫布盧姆在“向猶大人傳布基督教協會”的勸告下,放棄了對猶太教的信仰,脫離了該教派,改信新教。

The queen s hotel , ennis , county , glare , where rudolph bloom rudolf virag died on the evening of the 27 june 1886 , at some hour unstated , in consequence of an overdose of monkshood aconite selfadministered in the form of a neuralgic liniment , composed of 2 parts of aconite liniment to 1 of chloroform liniment purchased by him at 10 . 20 a . m . on the morning of 27 june 1886 at the medical hall of francis dennehy , 17 church street , ennis after having , though not in consequence of having , purchased at 3 . 15 p . m . on the afternoon of 27 june 1886 a new boater straw hat , extra smart after having , though not in consequence of having , purchased at the hour and in the place aforesaid , the toxin aforesaid , at the general drapery store of james cullen , 4 main street , ennis 他服的是按附子搽劑二氯仿搽劑一系他于一八八六年六月二十七日上午十點二十分在恩尼斯教會街十七號弗朗西斯登內希藥房所購,按比例親自配制的神經痛搽劑。盡管并非由于此舉,然而在此舉之前,一八八六年六月二十七日下午三點十五分,他曾從恩尼斯的通衢大道四號詹姆斯卡倫普通服裝店購買了一頂嶄新而時髦的特級硬殼平頂草帽盡管并非由于此舉,然而在此舉之前,他于前文中所述的時刻與地點,購買了前邊提到的毒劑。

The theory of fault in the process of contacting and negotiation for contract was mentioned by germen jurits rudolf vou jhering in 1861 . its meaning is when one party ' s civil wrong broke the statutory duty of reasonable care arisen from the principle of good faith , during the process of contacting and negotiation for contract , and cause other party ' s interests or reliance interest damages , the former must compensate for the later ' s loss . statutory obligation for fault in the process of contacting and negotiation for contract is different from that for breach of contract and that for tortuous acts 本文主要從以下幾個方面對締約過失責任理論、法律制度方面需完善的問題進行探討:一、對締約過失責任的概念和構成進行探討:二、對締約過失責任中缺失的對精神損害救濟的法律規定問題進行全面、系統的分析、論述;三、論述了締約過失責任與違約責任并存和競合的情形,在合同法上應允許締約過失責任與違約責任的并存、競合,充分保護權利人的合法利益;四、對締約過失責任法律制度應注重對締約過失行為的監控問題進行探討。

Is a detailed report on network coding theory , a theory originated at cuhk by professor shuo - yen robert li , professor raymond wai - ho yeung , dr . ning cai of department of information engineering , and professor rudolf ahlswede from germany )雜志詳細介紹了由香港中文大學訊息工程學系李碩彥教授、楊偉豪教授、蔡寧博士與德國的rudolf ahlswede教授開創的網絡通信研究新領域,網絡編碼理論( network coding theory ) 。

Austrian rudolf reitheiger , who beat mr crake in this year ' s empire state building race , came second in the men ' s competition . mr crake and ms mayr missed out the 30 , 000 on offer for completing the gruelling race in under 10 or 12 minutes respectively 克勒克和梅耶如果各自能夠在10秒和12秒內完成這項令人精疲力竭的比賽的話,就能獲得3萬美元獎金,遺憾的是他們都與其失之交臂。

Rudolf franz ferdinand hoss , the superintendent of the camp , before he was executed wrote his detailed memoirs of mass exterminations and the experiments on living bodies 集中營總監魯道夫?弗朗茨?費迪南德?豪斯在被處死前曾寫下一部回憶錄,敘述了大規模殺人以及在活人身上做試驗的情況。

Aging ex - opera czar sir rudolf bing and his wife flew here from london yesterday to face the music in a long - running legal battle over their marriage 現已年邁的前歌劇大師魯道夫?賓爵士和他太太,為他們曠日費時的婚姻官司,昨天自倫敦飛抵此間出庭。

Heinzkill rudolf maschinentechnische anlagen gmbh offer to you handling technology , industrial robots and special parts in addition also info on special machines 特種車銷件、特殊部件和特殊部件是我們文件中的一部分,請您電話垂詢更多信息。

Rudolf walder : the project brings knowledge on waste management to those authorities in china who are supervising the environmental protection 魯道夫?瓦爾德:這個項目把廢棄物管理的知識傳授給中國監督環境保護的管理人員。

If swiss voters could choose their cabinet ministers , fewer than half would re - elect christoph blocher , hans - rudolf merz and pascal couchepin 瑞士又一所酒店管理學校被治理瑞士酒店管理學校在世界各地都享有盛名。

The original name of the reindeer was not rudolf , according to the book “ extraordinary origins of everyday things “ , by charles panati 這個故事是由在廣告部工作的羅伯特?梅寫的,而里面的插圖是由丹佛?吉琳畫的。

The background and reasons of rudolf carnap ' s theory of confirmation analyzed from three aspects in the first part of the paper 本文第一部分,分析了卡爾納普概率確證歸納邏輯體系產生的歷史背景與原因。

Rudolf stadler , 61 , who twice missed while trying to shoot a friend ' s cow only to accidentally shoot a passer - by 61歲的魯道夫?斯塔德勒兩次試圖射殺朋友的母牛,均未成功,卻意外地擊中了一位過路人。

Fifty - seven year old oliver rudolf jufer had pleaded guilty to five counts of lese majeste , the crime of insulting the monarchy 現年57歲的奧利弗.魯道夫.尤弗對褻瀆君主罪的5項指控表示認罪。

Rudolf ohlinger gmbh & co . kg offers offers to champagne bottle corks , stoppers , cork , for bottles and wine cork 為您提供關于葡萄酒軟木塞或(平底)鍋、桶、罐、盛鋼桶、鐵液罐、軸襯的信息。

A beautiful example of carved bloodstone with the seal of the german emperor rudolf ii can be seen at the l 的傳說起源于:當耶穌基督被釘在十字架上時,他的一些

Rudolf steiner based much of his writings on occult revelations of mu or atlantis 魯道夫的作品都是基于姆大陸或亞特蘭蒂斯的神秘啟示。