
rudimental adj.根本的;基本的;初步的,開端的;原狀的,發育不全...


This essay analyses the reason why the rudimental teaching of plane geometry is difficult and respectively analyses the reasons and resolving methods in five aspects - the teaching linking with the knowledge of the primary school , the teaching of the concept , the teaching of the language of geometry , the teaching of the graph , the teaching of the proof and reasoning . at the same time , this paper includes many practical examples that can give specific reference to related research 文章分析了中學平面幾何入門難的原因,并從“與小學的銜接教學” 、 “概念的教學” 、 “幾何語言的教學” 、 “圖形的教學”和“推理論證的教學”五個方面分別分析了入門教學困難產生的原因和解決方法,以期從教學的細節入手來解決平面幾何入門難的問題。

At first , it expatiates on the notion and function of visitor center , and analyzes the actuality and existent problems of the visitor center planning : secondly , it expounds on the rudimental principle of the planning of visitor center , which comprise the principle , properties , theorization dependencies , programs of the planning ; at last , it analyzes the main content of the planning of visitor center , especially the grating principle the planning of visitor center , including country ' s tourism site quality rating assessing standard , the district site of the planning of visitor center and the systems analysis and planning of visitor center synthesis “ intergrant . the second section was case study 第一部分是理論研究篇,首先對游人中心的相關概念、功能等進行闡述,并分析了游人中心規劃的現狀及存在的問題;其次,對游人中心規劃的基本原理進行了闡述,包括規劃的原則、性質、理論依據、程序等;最后,是對游人中心規劃的主要內容進行分析,特別是對國家《旅游區(點)質量等級評定》標準中的游人中心規劃規范評分細則、游人中心區位規劃、游人中心綜合體構成成分的系統分析及規劃等進行重點研究。

The main research contents of the operational design include : working out the in - orbit experiment scheme and optimizing the in - orbit control and observation scheme for solar x - euv imaging telescope ; analyzing the requirements to the mounting platform of telescope ; implementing the rudimental mechanical , electronic , thermal interface design 在軌運行方案的主要研究內容包括:針對靜止軌道衛星應用平臺,制訂和優化了望遠鏡在軌試驗方案;完成望遠鏡的機電熱初步接口設計。

On this subject , chen wenxiang ' s using feedback servo mechanism to scale - up the measurement range on the shift by hore sensor and chen dongjun ' s study of a kind of hore shift sensor with feedback servo mechanism have achieve the rudimental results . it shows that using self - tracking or servo system to scale - up the measurement range of the hore sensor is reasonable 在這項研究工作上,陳文薌《采用反饋隨動機構擴大霍爾傳感器位移測量范圍》 、陳東軍《一種帶有反饋隨動機構的霍爾位移傳感器研究》已經取得了初步的成果,他們的成果表明采用隨動機構擴大霍爾元件的測量范圍是有效可行的。

On a comprehensive height , there is congruency among the development inbeing , fundamental premise , rudimental motive , basic mission , radical principle of the sustained development of agriculture . these elemental conceptions must be implicit in the sustained development of agriculture in every country and area , and contain the characteristics of continuity , efficiency , conformity and justice 從普遍性的高度看,農業可持續發展的內涵在發展本質、基本前提、基本動力、基本任務、基本原則、基本目標等方面具有一致性,每個國家和地區農業的可持續發展都必須體現這些基本內涵,具有持續性、高效性、協調性、公平性等特征。

Based on the research of influencing factors and regularities of distribution of loess side slope stability in northwest , the author select pingshuo antaibao southern spoil bank as subject investigated , and abstract several the most rudimental influencing factors which are ubiquitous concerning slope stability in loess area such as sloping shape , slope ratio , bulk density , cohesive force , angle of internal friction , elastic modulus , poisson ratio , water immersion 本文在探討黃土地區邊坡穩定性的影響因素及其分布規律的基礎之上,選取平朔安太堡南排土場為研究對象,抽象出對于黃土地區邊坡穩定性具有普遍意義的幾個最基本影響因子:坡型、坡比、容重、內聚力、內摩擦角、彈性模量、泊松比、水。

The purpose of this part is to explore the rudimental principles of institution and its innovation in order to lay a theoretical foundation for the efficiency analysis and innovation design of rli , analyze and summarize the meaning , properties , basic content and system of rli as an object of study , analyze the relationship between the market economic and rural land property rights based on the theory of market economic . the author believes that rli innovation has been an important source of modern agriculture economic development and strongly rural land property right institution suit to the market economic system must includes property arrangement and property protection in the real world in which the exchange cost is bigger than zero 第四章應用定量分析與定性分析、規范研究與實證研究相結合的研究方法,系統地分析了農地制度與農村經濟發展之間的關系,總結了農地制度對農地經營效益的影響規律;第五章系統地考察了建國后我國農地制度變革的過程,論述了我國傳統農地產權制度的矛盾和缺陷,在此基礎上,闡述了家庭承包經營責任制的創新過程和創新機理,分析了家庭承包經營責任制的制度績效及其源泉,并根據我國實行家庭承包經營責任制的20余年來的經驗教訓,總結了目前家庭承包經營責任制目前面臨的困境與挑戰。

The result showed that the mg2si powder could be synthesized by solid - state reaction at low temperature but in the system the impurity of mgo appeared easily . it is because of that the element of mg is very active and it would react with the rudimental o2 in the container and at the same time the mg2si could be oxide when the temperature descending 結果表明在該體系中,可以通過低溫固相反應合成mg _ 2si化合物粉末,同時在體系中mgo是非常容易生成,這主要是因為mg在較高溫度下容易揮發并與殘留在反應容器內的o _ 2進行反應的結果,同時在降溫過程中mg _ 2si也容易被氧化。

In order to make the engineering survey & design department in our country developing between environment of domestic and international . this thesis adoption the study method of peter f . drucker stand for experience , and summation rudimental theory and measures about how to raise the core competitive capacity of the engineering survey & design department 本文以我國改制中的工程勘察設計單位為研究對象,探討關于增強工程勘察設計單位的核心競爭能力的有關分析方法及實施措施的問題,以使我國的工程勘察設計單位在國內外環境的變化中能夠持續發展。

Through analyzing shennong , houji , shangjun shu , lu shi chun qiu , and other agricultural books , it concludes that xia , shang , zhou , spring and autumn worries period is the rudimental period of ancient agricultural education in china . emergence of educator , student , relatively focusing on educational contents and fixed place for education marks the rudimental period . part 4 通過對神農、后稷, 《商君書》 、 《呂氏春秋》等有關農業教育內容的論述,指出了夏、商、周至春秋戰國時期,是我國古代農業教育的萌芽時期,其萌芽的標志為有了教育者、受教育者,相對集中的教育內容和相對固定的教育場所。

This thesis is mainly on the specific and microcosmic research on the rudimental teaching of plane geometry in middle school . the aim of this paper is studying how to improve the efficiency of the rudimental teaching of plane geometry with other teachers . through these studies i wish each teacher could all successfully guide the students to learn the plane geometry easily and to make a good basic for training the stronger logical thinking ability 本文是在教學實踐的基礎上來研究中學平面幾何入門教學中具體的微觀方面的教學,以共同探討如何提高入門教學的效率,使每位教師都能成功地引導學生度過這非常關鍵的入門關,為培養學生較強的邏輯思維能力打下良好基礎。

The scheme , the structure and the rudimental function of every part are described . the whole process is narrated on exploiting and carrying out not only facility design subsystem but also imitating operation subsystem . in the final part it sums up and provides some suggestion for perfecting the system 本文闡述了am / fm / gis研究意義, gis在國內外的應用現狀;介紹了電力am / fm / gis系統;描述了電力am / fm / gis綜合管理系統方案、結構和各部分的基本功能;對開發實現設備設計子系統和模擬運行子系統的整個過程進行詳細地說明;最后對該系統進行總結,并提出了完善系統的解決方案和建議。

Further study is in < wp = 6 > demand . moreover , with a transient simulation , we calculated evaporation coefficients of argon under non - equilibrium conditions . the rudimental md results indicate that there is no notable difference between the evaporation coefficients from the non - equilibrium simulation and the condensation coefficients from the equilibrium simulation 論文還采用瞬態法研究了非平衡條件下氬的蒸發系數,模擬研究的初步結果顯示,非平衡分子動力學方法獲得的蒸發系數與平衡分子動力學方法獲得的凝結系數之間差距并不顯著,由于可比數據少,上述結果還有待于更多的模擬驗證。

When the two layers of sio2 with different refractive index are finished , the designed mask pattern is printed on the film by photolithography . after that , icp is performed for dry etching , then , the waveguide structures are obtained . at present , the rudimental graph of edg has been obtained 兩層不同折射率的sio _ 2薄膜制備好之后,經過光刻、等離子體刻蝕( icp )的工藝步驟之后,形成了波導結構,初步制作出了器件的圖形。

In the paper , many methods of harmonic analysis are described in detail above all , because they are the important means by which the rudimental data that various harmonic emission estimation methods require can be attained , and influence the final results 在本文中,首先對諧波分析的方法進行了詳細敘述,因為對諧波的分析是各類諧波發射水平估計方法所需初始數據的獲得方式,同時也影響最終估計的結果。

The study and analysis of the network psychological problems of college students has become an urgent requirement advanced by our times . it is also one of the rudimental requirements of talent training objective of universities 對大學生網絡心理問題及其成因的分析研究是時代發展對高等學校提出的迫切要求,也是高校人才培養目標的根本要求。

In plato ' s day , there were no specialized educational institutions except akademid established by plato himself . education was in rudimental station and its mode was typical master - apprentice system 在柏拉圖的時代,除了由他自己創辦的akademie學院外,并沒有其他培養人才的專門教育機構,教育僅僅處于萌芽狀態,教育方式是典型的師徒制。

The rudimental system of the laboratory has been created . by improving the corresponding methods and techniques , the system will be more suitable for realizing remote - control via internet 該實驗系統已初步建立,進一步改進實驗系統的實現方法和所使用的相關技術,可使整個系統更適于實現通過網絡進行遠程控制。

Interest is the rudimental motivation for human activities , and it is the nature of men to pursue interest . hence it is the fundamental issue for the survival and development of human societies 利益是人的行為的根本動因,利益問題是人類社會存在和發展的根本問題,追求利益的滿足,是人的基本屬性。