
rudiment n.1.基本,基本原理[知識];〔pl.〕初步,入門。2...


The whole system has run stably in the course of test and measurement , realized many kinds of operating modes . and the system has basically established the rudiment of the hybrid power assembly control system which has independent knowledge property right 整個系統在調試過程中運行穩定,實現了混合驅動和行車發電等多種工況,基本形成了具有自主知識產權的混合動力總成控制系統的雛形。

Combining fuzzy synthetic evaluation model of building earthquake damage with formation idea of experts system , applying programs , such as vb and vba , intelligence aided system for safety assessment of buildings on sit is developed ( rudiment ) 結合建筑物震損的模糊綜合評價模型與專家系統的構造思想,應用vb 、 vba等編程語言開發了地震現場建筑物安全鑒定智能輔助系統( iassab ) 。

But the formal historic research has just lasted for less then 20 years , and the pace of the research is somewhat slow . till now there is not an agreed - on history of game theory , even not a unified opinion on how the theory was developed in its rudiment 對博弈論史的正式研究剛開始還不到二十年,而且發展比較緩慢,至今仍沒有形成統一的博弈論史,博弈論的早期史也是這樣。

The whole system has run stably in the course of test and measurement , and the system has basically established the rudiment of vehicles control and power flow management system which has independent knowledge property right 整個系統在調試過程中運行穩定,基本形成了具有自主知識產權的整車控制及能量流管理系統的雛形。通過實際道路行駛試驗,獲得滿意的控制效果。

As a popular standard interface used by devices for computer , the technology of usb interface has been paid more and more attention to during these years . this article does some detailed researches on rudiment of usb interface 本文對usb接口技術的基本原理進行了較詳盡的研究,同時在實際的工程項目開發中應用了其中的部分技術,并最終實現了usb - rs232轉換器。

Heb . 5 : 12 for when because of the time you ought to be teachers , you have need again for someone to teach you what the rudiments of the beginning of the oracles of god are and have become those who have need of milk and not of solid food 來五12按時間說,你們該作教師;可是你們還需要有人將神諭言開端的要綱教導你們;并且成了那必須用奶,不能吃乾糧的人。

After more than ten year ’ s development , listed corporations of our country have formed modern corporate governance rudiment , but there still exists many tangle in executive compensation field : why to provide executive compensation 我國上市公司經過十余年的發展,現代公司治理雛形已基本形成,但在高管薪酬領域還存在諸多困惑:為什么要對高管人員發放薪酬

For when because of the time you ought to be teachers , you have need again for someone to teach you what the rudiments of the beginning of the oracles of god are and have become those who have need of milk and not of solid food 12按時間說,你們該作教師;可是你們還需要有人將神諭言開端的要綱教導你們;并且成了那必須用奶,不能吃干糧的人。

These years , the softswitch system developed independent in china has formed the rudiment of telecom network , it supports the communication between the traditional telephone network and the aptitude network 我國自主開發的軟交換系統已成功地實現電信網的雛形,支持與傳統電話網和智能網的互通,提供與現有電信網相同的語音基本業務和增值業務。

How much more profitable for the independent mind , after the mere rudiments of education , to range through a library at random , taking down books as the mother wit suggests 受過初步的基礎教育之后,對于愿意獨立思考的人來說,在圖書館里信手取下一本書來,根據個人的天賦隨意涉獵,這該是最大的好處了

But the impression , which pays attention to the speediness and news value , becomes the rudiment of modem scribble of china and accelerates the development of style of random thoughts 而“隨感錄”這一講究時效和新聞性的雜感類文體,就成為現代中國雜文的雛形,并促進了現代雜感類文學的發展。

At present , our country has been already initiated to carry out the change of role and function of the government , establish the rudiment of service administration , and it was just developing deeply 當前,我國已經初步實現了政府角色和職能的轉變,確立了服務行政的雛形,并正向縱深發展。

In the midst of survey , design and implement in this project , we acquired a lot of lessons and experiences , but it is excited that the instruments have the rudiments due to ours efforts 經過對本項目的調研、設計和制作,取得了許多經驗和教訓,該儀器的雛形已基本形成。

But its birth just a rudiment of public financial structure . if we want a complete reform , we have to built a financial transfer system 但是處于轉軌階段的分稅制財政管理體制的誕生只是一個公共財政框架的雛形,要想“洗心革面”就不能不涉及它的核心?財政轉移支付制度。

The thesis chooses the four - layers structure as the rudiment of our protocol stack system , which includes physical layer , data link layer , network layer and application layer 本文選擇了四層結構作為協議棧體系結構的雛形,即:物理層、數據鏈路層、網絡層、應用層。

Silver , i m surprised at you . you re less of a fool than many , take you all round ; but you don t appear to me to have the rudiments of a notion of the rules of health 西爾弗,我真感到不理解,這伙人中你還算聰明點的,但在我看來,你連最起碼的衛生常識都不懂。 ”

In closely relation to this problem is whether law is certainty or not . accomplied by the rudiments of human being ' s rationality , jurists had made different echoes 與此密切相關問題法律是否具有確定性,伴隨著人類理性的發育,法學家們做出了形形色色的解答。

Mr . liu generalizes the jumping of “ life luck “ from rudiment to market with one word “ inspiration “ ; however , his achievements are not only “ life luck “ 劉經理用“靈感”概括了“一生緣”產品從雛形到市場的跳躍,但是成就他的,成就“一生緣”的絕非于此。

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit , after the tradition of men , after the rudiments of the world , and not after christ 8你們要謹慎,恐怕有人用他的理學,和虛空的妄言,不照著基督,乃照人間的遺傳,和世上的小學,就把你們擄去。